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Leading zeros at ATMs

MY pin number has a leading zero and I've read that there have been problems with leading zero pins. Any experience with this problem that you would like to share will be appreciated. Thanks for reading this note.

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15431 posts

I don't know, since I never had PINs who start with 0. However I just sent an email to some friends who work in banks in Italy and asked. It's too late there now, but maybe I'll receive an answer tomorrow.

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901 posts

My PIN number starts with a zero. I have NEVER had a problem in the past 6 years of traveling in Europe.

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33134 posts

I have one with a leading zero; no probs at ATMs or at point of sale machines. I am curious - this urban myth crops up from time to time and is always debunked. Where did you come across the myth?

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20 posts

Thanks to everyone that shared their experience. I can't remember my exact source regarding ATMs. The article did mention that the original source was not clear, and the author had never encountered the problem, but to be on the safe side eliminate the leading zero. Thanks again, "happy trails!"

Posted by
1540 posts

I have 2 leading zeros and have not had a problem with an ATM anywhere in Europe, Asia, South America.........and of course US :) Hope your ATM works.

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5697 posts

Here's where I heard this "urban legend" from the person at Capital One when I was setting up a new card with a PIN number starting with zero. She said she had heard that people had problems with a zero-starting PIN. Glad to hear that she was wrong !!

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11 posts

My husband and I were in Italy for two weeks 3 years ago. Our pin # starts with a 0 also and we did not have any problems. I read in a Fodor's book on Italy that pin #s with a 0 don't work but they are wrong. Go with Rick's book.

Posted by
192 posts

I too heard it from Capital One Credit Card.....they said it would be a problem. But when I opened a checking acct. with them it was OK for my ATM card. I guess it depends on who you talk to. I have had no problems with my ATM card in Asia and Europe. Never needed a PIN for my CC.

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249 posts

I have a leading zero and it hasn't been a problem-being pickpocketed was the only problem :) that I had Mike

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337 posts

If you are at all worried, why don't you see if your bank or credit union has an in branch password change. I know it's available to me and took all but two minutes. Check the usage before you leave the branch to ensure all is well.

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23434 posts

Zero is not a problem and has not been for many years but hard to kill the story because it has a very small element of truth. In the very first year of ATMs, (before 1970) the zero was reserved for special operator functions. Not unlike the zero on telephones. It quickly became a problem and was changed. But the story continues.