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Laundry detergent use in Italy?

Our 3-1-1 bags are getting pretty full.
We are traveling with carry on luggage.

We need to bring laundry detergent along with us for health related issues.
Trying to decide whether we should bring liquid or powder detergent.

What the proper amount of both liquid or powder detergent to use in the small washing machines in Italian apartments.
Staying in Airb&n apartments. This will help us decide which to take.

Also, if we bring Powder Detergent, how do we package this powder for TSA inspection?
What are the rules regarding power and packaging?


Posted by
4657 posts

I can't remember what amount but ask one of the hosts for the make and model and Google English instructions for it. You'll find it there. I never find the machines intuitive so I have to look them up anyways. I am going to guess powder is better. Pack it near the top of luggage in case they want to see it. Just a zip lock should be fine.

Posted by
11813 posts

Do you know the size of the machines? We have had US sized and mini ones and everything in between. I can't recall the amount but detergent was placed in dispensers in the machines. How long is your trip?
Detergent is readily available even in small markets in a great variety of types. But if you need a very special kind I would bring powder due to weight and then you I don't think you would have to put it in your 3-1-1 baggies. Contact TSA for an answer to your question or perhaps it is on their website.
Can't you contact your landlords? I have contacted our AirBnB hosts before arrival with questions via the App.
The main difference from US machines is that European washing machines take much longer to complete the cycle, often hours.
We have usually have not had a dryer in Europe. but a drying rack is always included. You will do washing more often as the drying racks do not hold as much as a dryer.
Enjoy your trip. Umbria is special.

Posted by
7054 posts

Are you using some kind of eco-branded (hypoallergenic, etc) detergent? If so, don't assume you can't get something like that overseas.

Posted by
1644 posts

I have brought my own scent-free powdered laundry detergent to Italy for the last 8 or 9 trips --- even the Italian baby detergent and the hypo-allergenic detergents have dyes and perfumes in them. We have searched and searched, and you do not want to spend precious vacation time doing this.

Until last year, I could bring as much as I wanted. Now, it has to be 12 ounces or less and the TSA will probably want to look at it and maybe test it.

For 30 days, for just my own laundry (and I pack light so I wash a lot of times) I take about 8 ounces. Less than what fits in a snack-size ziploc bag.

For the smaller, high efficiency washing machines in Italy, I use a rounded tablespoon of the powdered detergent mixed in a cup or glass with a very small amount of hot water to turn it into something resembling a liquid laundry detergent. Their machines will generally not dissolve a powder.

You do not need as much detergent to wash clothes as many people think you do, and if you have allergies, you REALLY don't want to use too much or to have to put the clothes through a whole 'nother wash cycle just to double-rinse them (which I do at home, with white vinegar).

We try to remember to ask the host which compartment to put the detergent into --- it is not at all obvious, even if you can read Italian words. I would wait for the tour of the apartment rather than attempt this in an email.

Hope this helps! I now feel like a minor expert on this tiny subject!

Posted by
17603 posts

"TSA will allow you to bring a suitcase of powder laundry detergent . . ."

Actually, powders in quantities greater than a cup or two are subject to extra scrutiny. TSA recommends packing powder in a clear ziplock-type bag that can easily be removed and inspected. Your bag may pulled aside for visual inspection.

Posted by
16355 posts

Powder in a zip lock is best.
If you buy locally and you are allergic to certain detergent ask for
DETERSIVO IPOALLERGENICO PER LAVATRICE (hypoallergenic detergent for washing machines).
Winni’s is a popular brand of such detergents.

Posted by
270 posts

MCS mandates that I stick with what I know works for me. So if I must pack some detergent,
which is really no big deal to be able to enjoy the vacation.

Is it a good idea to place the Less Than 12oz zip lock bag of powdered detergent in the TSA bin
along with the electronics, coins, etc., or pack in my carry on bag?

Any advise on powder drink mix that we are also bringing in a less that 12 oz. zip lock bag.
Pack in carry on or place into the TSA bin?

Posted by
5697 posts

Was once given the advice that most people use so much detergent at home that a water-only wash will get clothes clean using the residual detergent. Not one's first choice, but ....

Posted by
3522 posts

I always carry powder laundry detergent with me. Just enough for a couple laundry loads. Pre measured into zip lock baggies. Also a couple dryer fabric softener sheets. TSA looked at it and took a sniff last trip. No other issues.

The amount of soap I use in Europe is about half the small amount I use when at home. The so called high efficiency washers don't use a lot of water and if you put too much soap in them will leave clumps of the soap on your clothes.

I tried a hypo allergenic laundry soap I bought in Europe. Never broke out so bad with a skin rash before in my life. I think it was the residual soaps in the machine, not what I used, but since then always carry my own and have had zero issues.

Posted by
3658 posts

I bring pods of detergent, and as I've usually checked a bag, it doesn't matter how many.
Next trip is carryon only, with two friends, so we are each bringing a couple of pods in our 3/1/1 bags.
Not sure if you can get eco friendly hypoallergenic pods?
Just double wrap them!

Posted by
2157 posts

I’d try writing to your Airbnb hosts to see if they can recommend a local brand. I had no trouble finding unscented deodorant and lotion in Italy. Otherwise, sounds like baggies for dry detergent might be the best.

Posted by
1644 posts

Winni's has perfume in it --- it says this on the back of the package.

I put all powders and food in ziploc bags in an outer pocket of my carry-on bag. Next to the 3-1-1 quartsize liquids bag, actually, although I put that into the bin. But just quickly accessible is fine.

Posted by
89 posts

I have terrible detergent allergies and always bring my own. The European ""sensitive" brands can still have enzymes and perfumes.

Put it in the TSA bin, out of your carryon. They saw mine on the X-ray machine, had me open my suitcase and step aside and checked it out thoroughly with the electronic probiscus or whatever that device is. I did not mind. White powder . . . they will want to take a very good look at it. Once they decided it was harmless, I was good to go.

You won't want pods. Some of those washers are way smaller than what we have here in North America..

Posted by
5837 posts

RE: TSA will allow you to bring a suit case of powder laundry detergent

Not true if you are carry-on.

Starting June 30, 2018, if you are traveling from an international
last-point-of-departure to the U.S., powder-based substances in
carry-on baggage greater than 350mL or 12 oz. may require additional
screening at the central checkpoint. Powder-like substances over 12
oz. or 350mL in carry-on that cannot be resolved at the central
checkpoint will not be allowed onto the cabin of the aircraft and will
be disposed of.

And my experience is that even powders under 12 oz are still subjected to chemical bomb material testing.

(CNN) If you're traveling by plane with more than 12 ounces of
cosmetics powder, dry spices, protein mix or talcum, you may want to
check it.

Posted by
1317 posts

One would imagine that if you each take 12 ounces of washing powder (almost 3/4 of a kilo) that would suffice.

Posted by
5837 posts

High efficiency washers are common in Europe. Avoid too much detergent in any washing machine, but especially so in HE washers. Excess suds prevent complete rinsing of the clothing. Better to use less than more detergent and you can freshen up clothing washing without detergent.

Water is capable of dissolving a variety of different substances,
which is why it is such a good solvent. And, water is called the
"universal solvent" because it dissolves more substances than any
other liquid.

Posted by
19 posts

I brought these laundry detergent sheets along for our trip to Italy/Greece last month and they worked great. They weigh next to nothing, pack flat, aren't really a "powder" so I doubt there were be a TSA issue. They were nice because when I was hand-washing in the sink, I could just tear off a small piece to use. They do have a slight scent, but it didn't bother me at all and I'm ususally pretty sensitive about that sort of thing. The big test was our swimwear after a day at the beach - they totally got the gross ocean smell out which was awesome.

Posted by
15806 posts

Most people here in Israel have European machines. The supermarkets sell a variety of liquid and powder detergents in large quantities. From that, I infer that it's a personal preference. I have used both in Italian and German machines.

Edgar's point is right. Use less for better results. Machines use less water. In any event, your clothes aren't going to be very dirty, are they? I'd estimate using what you would at home for a small load.

European machines usually take a lot longer. Mine takes nearly an hour and a half for a regular cycle. The spin cycles are not as fast, so your clothes will be damper and take longer to dry.

Posted by
17603 posts

This is an old topic that was resurrected by a first-time poster recommending "tide". Probably moot.

Posted by
18 posts

We used these laundry sheets and they worked perfectly. They come in a gallon size ziplock package and lay flat and take up virtually no room. I handwashed several things over a few different days in hotels on our 13 day trip and that got me through just fine.

The best part is they dissolve quickly and rinse away very quickly if you just hand-wash. Don't over complicate your lives with stress of laundry detergent.

Posted by
191 posts

Yes to the 3 in 1 laundry sheets! I use half a sheet of Purex brand for the small washers in the B&Bs. I also use soap leaves I get at REI for hand washing things in the sink between machine loads.

Posted by
3522 posts

I take laundry powder in small snack sized zip close baggies. Also take dryer sheets packed the same way. I measure the powder to be about half what I use at home for a small load because most of the washers I have run into in Europe are the High Efficiency models that do not use as much as the old fashioned top loaders I have at home. This amount of soap seems to be enough. I have not been questioned about the powder and have never had to remove it from my suitcase (maybe just lucky) going through airport security so far.

Funny side story: My laundry detergent was stolen from my hotel room on one trip. Someone apparently thought it was a different type of powder. Nothing else was touched. I hope they had lots of fun with it. :-/

Why don't I use local laundry soap? I tried that on one trip. The Belgian B&B we were staying in was really nice and let us use their washer at no charge and insisted we use their soap. It was labeled "non-allergenic" and didn't have an intense odor so I used it. Big mistake! I developed a rash everywhere on my body where the washed clothes touched me. Very uncomfortable. I have decided to not take the chance to be miserable and use the soaps I know do not cause me any issues.

Posted by
16741 posts

I have a sensitivity to frangrances/dyes/etc. I have been using the Washeze Unscented sheets as well for three or four years. Easy to carry and use. And they can be cut up to use for hand washing.

Why not get a box and try them before your trip? If they work, then it will be easier to carry. If not, then go back to what you know.