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Last Supper tickets Milan

I have two tickets for Last Supper viewing for 2 people on September 20, 2024. At 1:30 pm to 1:45 pm.

The tickets are not cancelable or refundable.
They will go unused unless someone can use them. They were booked on the official vivaticket site. The cost was 30 euros .my cost was $33.77 U.S.

My understanding is that names can be changed on the tickets at least 24 hours ahead.

I have tickets for a different time that I’m going to use. All tickets for Sept 20 sold out back in June.

Can anyone use these ?

Steve D

Posted by
1 posts

If these tickets are available, my wife and I are interested. Not sure how the name change would be done.


Willard Pope

Posted by
4 posts

I’ll check , but I think I just have to request it. I’ll check into the process

Posted by
4 posts

It may be impossible.
Apparently I can change names of guests but I also have to be one of the entrants.

It’s a shame. I know I can’t cancel them or get a refund, but at least I should be able to give them away.

If I inform them that I can’t use them, they’ll likely just resell them. But since there is no incentive to do that for anyone having tickets they can’t use, then there will be two less people admitted at that time than the maximum allowed.

Posted by
716 posts

A bit of poking around the official website yields the following:

Per this link:
Ticketing Page

It says:
In case of emergency, you can change the name inserted in the booking at the time of your
purchase up to 24 hours before the date/time of your visit clicking here.
Only one change of name is allowed per ticket starting from 9 days before the time of your visit.

It takes a bit of additional deepdive to find an actual link to do this with, but it appears to be:
Go to this page: FAQ Individual Visitors

Scroll down to "Can I cancel or change a pre-paid booking" and expand. There will be a link
to the general Vivaticket site which appears to give you the option to select the date/time of
your event and change the name of the ticket owner. It's a long link URL so I am not C&P'ing
it here.

Caveat emptor: I have no idea if this will work, I just am pretty good at searching websites. If
it doesn't work, note that they say name changes are allowed starting 9 days before the event,
which is still a couple of weeks away. It appears you can only change tickets up to Sept 14th
as of now. Good luck!

Posted by
1 posts

That’s my understanding as well. I have one ticket for the Last Supper on October 8, 2024 at 12pm-12:15pm that will go unused.

Please let me know if you are interested at [email protected]. Thank you and good luck!