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Last Supper Tickets for July/August

I was just checking the Last Supper ticket site and see that tickets for July and August are opening on April 16th.

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1 posts

This is just to help out those travellers next year. Today is April 16 and the tickets went on sale at 9:30am Italy time. I woke up at 3:30am Toronto time to buy the tickets, but the July and August months did not show up on the web site. I tried calling them, but no answer. At 3:40am, the months finally showed. By the time I finished the purchase (took me 5-10 min), half of July was sold out.

The lesson is - Buy the ticket the minute it’s released. And register an account on the site beforehand.

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341 posts

I am just reading your post on April 19, so this information will be for those who are going to buy for the September/October ticket release...

Yes, register to buy your tickets now. Also, have multiple credit cards ready. The site didn't accept my first two credit cards that I typically use.

If you're going to Florence - to the Academia or to the Uffizi, you're in luck. Tickets for both of those places use the same online ticket system that you'll use for The Last Supper. I stumbled onto that, but it also meant that I was registered to buy tickets for The Last Supper since I'd already purchase tickets for our Florence stops. And it also meant that I knew which credit card was accepted and which weren't -- so I wasn't in a panic when I was online at 1:30AM (west coast time) to buy The Last Supper tickets.

I typically use Firefox as my browser. I suggest using Google for your ticket transaction since it (if you allow it) automatically translates the Italian into English. (I never did find the "English button" mostItalian or French sites have.)

Also, keep in mind we've changed our clocks one hour since I bought my tickets... I had to be online at 1:30 AM... Know in advance what time you need to be on.

BE PATIENT AND BE READY to go before it's time to buy. Keep in mind that the servers will be inundated with login requests because everyone is trying to buy tickets at the same time. I got timed out a couple of times before I got in.

In all, I was at my computer about 1:15 AM, and successfully completed the putchase an hour later. By that time, there were only a few May and a few June dates left.