What is the best way to get tickets to see the Last Supper? Order online? If so, what is the best/most reliable website? Or call? Who to call? The museum directly? We'll be in Milan Sept 14-15. Thanks!
Here is the website and phone number. Apparently, tickets for September cannot be booked until early June. http://www.vivaticket.it/index.php?nvpg&id_evento=1104307&idt=744
I was never successful in ordering tickets online. By the time I was allowed to buy my tickets online, the site listed the tickets were sold out. So I had to call. You have an english option and the telephone rep was easy to deal with. I ordered the option where there is a brief spoken commentary. I am glad I chose this as she detailed so many aspects of the fresco that I would have missed if I would have gone in without.