On our last day in Italy we will be back in Milan before our flight back to the US.. We will have already spent 2 nights in Milan on the front end of the trip. (One day being devoted to business). From research, just wondering if we will feel like we have already "done Milan".. Expecting to arrive back to Milan about noon.. Thinking there might be a short train ride ride somewhere quaint, with lots of local shopping that would be interesting. Ideas?
As I understand it, you will be arriving at Milan (probably mid morning) of day 1. You spend night 1 in Milan, and the following day (day 2) you are busy transacting business. After spending your night 2 in Milan, you will be heading out the morning of day 3. Did I get it right? Based on these assumptions you will have only the afternoon of your day of arrival (day 1) to visit the city, unless your business day is only a partial business day, in which case you might have a second afternoon/evening at your disposal. Based on the above I don't think you will have spent a lot of time to say you've seen everything. One afternoon and 2 evenings aren't much, especially considering the first day you'll be jet lagged and tired. Going to Varenna (lake Como) or visit Pavia (Certosa di Pavia) would be nice getaways, however I generally like to take it easy in the city I'm in on my last half day. In addition I like to leave shopping to the last day to avoid taking stuff along during my trip. You should do the same. I'm sure there are some nice dresses and shoes you want to buy at the last minute and Milan being the fashion capital of Italy (and probably the world), you might as well indulge. There is a nice Rinascente department store in Piazza del Duomo, plenty of opportunities for buying gifts for friends and family back home at a reasonable price.
For something very interesting and different to do in Milan I would recommend: Cimitero Monumentale di Milano We took the city bus from near the Duomo - following the instructions in Rick's book. Very easy to get to. It was really interesting and HUGE!! We spent a couple of hours there looking at as much as we could. e.g There is a tomb for the Campari Family and it has a life size bronze statue of the entire Last Supper !!
Well worth a visit while in Milan.
There is the Duomo (and elevator ride to the roof), Castello Sforzesco and museum, Brera Gallery, Leonardo's Last Supper (you need advance tickets and don't sign any petitions in the piazza near the entrance, you'll be hounded for a "donation"). There are tons of shops and outlet stores.
Last summer we spent an easy afternoon at the Leonardo Museum, which was very interesting. They even have an Italian submarine for inspection as well as a airplanes and boats. The place is very cool. A walk from the Castello Sforsesco down Via Dante to the Duomo is a nice stroll. Avoid stopping at the Cafe Dante for anything. Near the Duomo is the Gastronomia Peck, which is the Italian version of Fauchon's in Paris. It is a really upscale food store/deli/butcher shop/wine shop with a cafe upstairs. Como on Lake Como is a short train ride and the area is beautiful. Buon viaggio,
Museo del 900 in piazza duomo Abbazia di chiaravalle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiaravalle_Abbey or Crespi D'ADDA http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/730