We're doing a month in Switzerland and Italy this coming May. I have everything booked and figured out except the 5 nights in mid-May that I have set aside for Lake Como.
We will be coming from 2 nights in Locarno and 1 night in Lugano, and at this point I think we will be on the train (my husband is thinking of changing this to a car, but I feel like we'll rent a car to have it parked a lot?). I want to find one spot on Lake Como for 5 nights. From there we will take the train to pick up a car in Verona and go to the north side of Lake Garda and beyond.
As a stop between Lugano and Verona, what is our best place to stay? Lake Como looks to have so many gorgeous places, and seeing that we're also doing other gorgeous lakes, I'm willing to take the 4th or 5th most stunning town on Lake Como in exchange for easy in and out travel. We will be there for 5 days, so will have time to take the boat to the #1 & 2 gorgeous spots.
Does taking the train from the east side of Lake Como to Verona still including going down to Milan? I was hoping to avoid Milan, but maybe that's silly. My goal is to minimize travel times (including wait and transfer times).