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LADIES - Another Clothing Question

Please Help! 54 year old Mom traveling with husband and 21 & 14 year old daughters. My dilema is the diversity of our destinations! Switzerland, Murren 7 days, CT, 6 days, Torino 2, days Paris 3 days. My initial packing list: 1 dark khaki pant, 1 brown linen pant (my favs), 1 jean, 1 light khaki capri, 1 white capri, 2 shorts. 1 dress, 7 assorted tshirts (one being long sleeve), 2 cute tops,1 hoodie, 1 shawl, 1 rain pancho, 1 swimsuit, 1 hat, keens, 2 pair privos & 1 flip flop. I will wear one pair of privos on the plane with leggings and a cute top with the shawl. It sounds like alot but am not sure where to cut corners. I'm afriad it will be cold in Murren or rainy and then hot in CT. In Paris I guess I want to look cute! Please give me your advice.

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9084 posts

Too many pairs of pants and shoes. Cut down to 2 each. 2 long sleeve shirts, 2 short sleeve. Keep the dress, hoodie, shawl, shorts etc. Bet you still find you won't wear all of it. Enjoy your vacation.

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251 posts

I don't know when you are going but I just got back (late June) and Murren was pretty warm during the day and pleasant at night. It did rain a little one evening but our travel umbrellas were enough to keep us dry.

Paris was much cooler than everywhere else and we needed long pants and long sleeves.

We also went to Rome, Florence and CT and they were pretty warm but coming from Forney, TX, it won't be unbearable to you.

I only needed one pair of long pants and wore city shorts or capris the rest of the time. I took one roll up long sleeve shirt that I wore with something under it when I was cool. All the other days I wanted short or sleeveless tops.

I took one pair of Privos, one pair of good walking sandals and one pair of flip flops. I wore my walking sandals 90% of the time.

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800 posts

Linda - you don't mention the leggings in the initial listing of bottoms,so by my count you have 8 bottoms which are way too many. If you are hiking and doing lots of outdoor activities (assume so with CT and Switzerland) then take only 1 pair shorts and wear them over and over then wash when needed. You don't really say when you are traveling - if very soon then eliminate the jeans. Even if rainy I am assuming your dark khaki pants are good outdoor pants. Next I'd eliminate the leggings - if only to be comfortable on the plane then wear your khakis unbuttoned while you sleep. That gets you down to 5 bottoms & 1 dress. For tops - I'd either get rid of the hoodie (I assume it is VERY lightweight, not a heavy sweatshirt) or the long sleeved tee.

Shoes - I ONLY allow myself 2 pairs - you have 4 - get rid of one of the privos for sure and I don't carry flipflops but if theses are very lightweight you may be okay.

Otherwise I'll bet you can fit this all in a small suitcase - give it a try also for weight. And BTW, I agree with the decision to be cute in Paris!

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1633 posts

Linda, if your dark khaki pants are warm and comfortable enough for the Swiss Alps, then I would eliminate the jeans because they are too heavy & bulky for your luggage. I would also leave the white capris because of their color--get dirty too fast. That would leave you with 3 pants and 2 shorts. You could eliminate 1-2 t-shirts since you have several cute tops (2+ the one on the plane). I personally wouldn't take a dress. You could take a skirt to match a cute top. Is your hoodie a sweatshirt with a hood or another top? For the Alps, I took a long sleeved shirt and a windbreaker type jacket for the cold/rain (instead of the poncho). Not sure what keens are--shoes? I take only 2 pair--my Nike's for all the walking and slip-ons for the a.m. Do a trial packing in your luggage. I roll all my clothes. They don't wrinkle as easily and I can tell what it is by the color/texture. I also pack a lot of my similar items (like underwear) in packing cubes--keeps everything together. I always have to remember that there is a lot of other "stuff" that I have to pack besides my clothes and my backpack does get heavy fast. Have fun making lots of memories with your girls!

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32 posts

Definitely too much!

Have you looked at Rick's packing lists? When I first referred to them 10+ years ago, I didn't believe I'd have enough, but I've finally changed my evil ways! Now my mantra is "pack light, pack light, pack light."

On my last trip, which lasted a month, and included dress-up clothes, I packed 3 pr pants (could have eliminated 1 pr), 2 camis, 2 tank tops, 4 flimy blouses to wear over the small tops, 1 nice skirt & top, 1 lightweight cardigan. 1 pr walking shoes, 1 semi-nice pr flat sandals, 1 plastic disposable raincoat, swimsuit & sheer coverup, 1 scarf. Everything, and I mean everything, must be able to mix and match. My color scheme was black, white and tan/beige.

At age 53 myself, I don't want to be hauling around heavy bags AND I want to save lots of room for souvenirs. Once there if you find that you really, really need something that you don't have, you can buy it and have a nice memento of your trip once you get it home.

Have fun!

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70 posts

Take a small umbrella instead of the rain poncho, drop the jeans and some t shirts. 5 days worth of clothes will do the trick, you have time to do some quick wash before you leave Murren and a load in CT.

You will also likely buy clothes on your trip, so keep in mind you don't need something for every occasion.

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30 posts

I agree with everyone---eliminate. Too many t-shirts. Just got back from 3 weeks with 2 capris, 5 tees, 1 longsleeve tee, 1 hoodie, 1 pair black yoga pants (wore on plane only), 1 light cotton overshirt for cool nights (wore it once), 2 skirts, bathing suit. 1 pair low-profile sketchers tennies and 1 pair dansko mary janes. Took a couple things I never wore (too hot). Never wished I had anything else, except for flipflops for the hard floors in the apartments. Don't take a lot of stuff---you totally don't need it.

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2297 posts

If you go in summer one pair of long pants is enough, take your linen pants and skip the jeans. I'd never take white pants/capris along - you'll be washing them constantly

Personally, I was glad that I had more than the number of tops along that Rick Steves' packing list would allow you. But it was really hot when we were in Italy and I couldn't wear anything for more than a day and it was soaked in sweat. But 5 shortsleeve tops/t's in total were still plenty for me. Plus one with long sleeves just in case. I never wore it this trip but I've been on trips where this one top with long sleeves was worn half the time, sometimes layered with some other top to provide enough warmth.

Consider taking only 1 pair of shorts and add a comfortable skirt instead of the dress. I have a very pretty Mexx skirt in a pattern that shows no dirt whatsoever, is extremely comfortable and can be dressed up to go out or worn on longer walks and still keeps me as cool as shorts.

Hubby only had 3 shirts along and had to wash them every single night. The salt stains still didn't get out with just the quick sink wash.

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800 posts

A comment on the choice of white capris - I usually pack dark colored clothes to hide the wear and tear of travel. I did, however, regret that I had packed all dark colored skirts/capris for our trip to Italy last summer. I felt a little "dowdy" dressing so much in black and it was also hot. If I were going to Europe this year I would bring my white capris as I think I could wear them at least 3 times for city (i.e. non-dusty) travel days. But my other bottoms would definitely be dark and I would plan to wash them during a 2 week+ trip.

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1893 posts

Linda, my last 2 week trip to Peru, sightseeing on an island, in Cusco, then hiking the Inca Trail I took 2 pairs of pants and one pair of capri pants. period. I took my hiking boots and one pair of sandals. period.
I took 6 t-shirts, and 2 light wool shirts.

you are taking WAY too many pairs of pants. leave the jeans at home, leave the white capri pants at home, leave either the khaki pair, or the linen pair (if you love those linen pants - leave the khaki ones.

Take ONE pair of shorts, you can wear the capri pants when it's hot too. Wear the Privos on the plane and plan to wear them when touring. You don't need 2 pair of the same style shoe.

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43 posts

WOW girls, thanks for all the advice!! I did fail to say we leave in less than 2 weeks. I am now leaving behind the jeans, will not take so many t shirts and will try VERY hard to leave behind a pair of shoes! I will be wearing my leggings on the plane with a cute, non wrinkle, comfy top and Privos. My main concern was if it was chilly in the alps. Do I need the hoodie? It is thin sweatshirt material. I have color coordinated all of my picks as this is how my entire wardrobe is anyway. I can always mix and match. Black, brown, khaki, and white with lime green for fun! Works for me. Thanks again for all the advice you guys are great.

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1893 posts

Linda, to answer your question, NO, you don't need a cotton hoodie. If you have a fleece jacket/hoodie, that is a better choice. Cotton hoodies are heavier, don't dry if wet. You are already taking a shawl, you can use that to layer if you get cold, and it's much more continental looking than a hoodie for a 54 year old mom. (hey, I'm 54 too!)

You might think about skipping the "cute tops" and take a lightweight sweater instead.

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189 posts

We are going for just a few more days than you - Athens, Rome, Florence, Venice, Munich, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna - and plan to hike as well as swim and see a few concerts. I have learned after years of traveling that I always pack too much. This time we are using just backpacks. I am taking brown cotton/stretch capris with a T shirt to match for the plane (back and forth). In addition, I packed another pair of capris and one pair of long pants that can be rolled up into shorts or capris if needed. All dark brown or black. For tops I have three t shirts total, one top that can be dressier or not, one long sleeve top, a lighweight hoodie sweater and hooded wind/waterproof jacket. I am wearing my one good pair of plain black walking shoes with everything (flip flops for the hotels with common shower). I am bringing some jewelry to dress up the tops so I won't be so bored and one scarf. It's hard pairing down, I know, but I think you'll appreciate it as you dash from sight to sight (unless you are going with one of those tours that handle all the luggage for you). ... And I'm positive you'll look cute in Paris. Sounds like it's your last stop - so buy something new!!