Hi, We have tickets for a night at La Scala theater. If you attended a night at the Opera, I would like to know what you wore for this event. (women or men responses are good!) Thank you
Lucky you. We tried to get tickets but could not. From experience we know that the London theater is very casual but from what we saw I think I would have been comfortable with no tie and a sport jackets. It looked dressier than London.
We got up at 3am on the openin sales day, and bought them. Thanks.
We went to La Scala the end of April, most men wore suits and ties (business attire) I didn't feel out of place withe a casual sport coat, no tie, scarf, a fair amount of others dressed casual. Women always look good, whatever they wear.
My husband wore a nice suit and tie. I wore a cocktail dress. We felt just right. Some people were not very dressed up, but most were. It was a great evening!
Just know that no Italian man would ever wear a tie without a jacket. A jacket without a tie is a look you see everywhere in Italy, but never the reverse like you see here sometimes.