I'd like to attend Don Giovanni late this month at La Fenice in Venice. Their website is in Italian, and I'm not having any luck navigating it. Searching the web for brokers, I'm finding contradictory information (re whether there are tickets available), plus very high and hugely variable prices. I know what tickets at major venues typically run, and these prices are way out of line. Any suggestions? We don't need the best seats in the house, just an opportunity to enjoy the music. Thanks.
Sherry this should be a link to the booking site that La Fenice's official site links to (in English). http://www.geticket.it/en-US/don_giovanni_teatro_la_fenice_veneziaen.html? If that doesn't work right, this is La Fenice's site in English for Don Giovanni. click the purchase ticket link. Then in the banner at the top of the page click Inglese. http://www.teatrolafenice.it/dettaglio_spettacolo.php?IDSpettacolo=483
Ron, thanks!! Good to know there are tickets available. I'm wondering if you've been to La Fenice and have any suggestions regarding seat selection?