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Just Wondering--Why was I gven wrong info at Malpensa/Le Nord track?

Upon arriving at Malpensa in April, I purchsed tickets on the Le Nord line to Como. At that time, you needed to change trains in Saronno to get to Como. My husband and I went down the stairs to track 4 to wait for the next train which was scheduled to depart a few minutes after each hour. When we got downstairs a man in a official looking jacket came up to us and asked us where we where going. I said "Saronno" and showed him the ticket. So there was no miscommunication due to language. He pointed to a train on track four. I thought it was a bit early for the train we needed to be at the track, so I asked him again if this train stopped in Saronno. He said yes. We got on the train thinking what a nice, helpful man he was. The train he directed us to was the Malpensa Expresss--took us past Saronno and on to Cadorna. Had to purchase a new ticket to Como at Cadorna, wait for the train. Why would he give me incorrect information? I'm just wondering what was going on. He was actually standing next to another man in an "official" looking jacket. He did not ask to help me with my luggage, so that's another reason I assumed he worked for Le Nord. I am aware that some people in train stations try to present themselves as employees of the train line when in fact they are just there hoping to pick up some tips. Thanks

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791 posts

Not trying to sound like a smartass but.......because it's Italy! I've learned to double check (and triple) any info I get....especially if it's concerning planes, buses etc.

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17603 posts

It wasn't all that wrong. According to the Trenitalia site, there are 2 routes from Malpensa airport to Como Lago Nord, one with a change at Saronno (with lots of stops along the way), and the one using the Express to Cadorna and changing there to the Le Nord service to Como (passing back through Saronno). The service via Carodna is more frequent and takes only 10 minutes longer, although it does cost more. He proably looked at your end destination and thought he was doing you a favor by directing you to a train that departed earlier than the one you planned. Unfortunately it did cost you a bit extra in euros, but may have been better in terms of time.

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7737 posts

You'll never know. It could be he actually thought it did stop in Saronno. Not likely to be a scam since he didn't hit you up for a tip.

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1589 posts

In other countries in Europe, I ask two sources. In Italy, it is at least three or four!

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17603 posts

And you'll get a different answer each time. Or a shrug. . .

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4421 posts

(with a big smile and arms opened wide) Welcome to Italy!!!

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13 posts

Interesting. My wife and I had a similar experience in Florence last year. We purchased tickets from Florence to Cinque Terre which had a train change in Sarzano. We had purchased the tickets approx. 40 min. early so after we walked around the train station a little bit we decided to locate our train and get our seats. We checked the paper schedules as well as the boards above each track to make sure we had the right train and track #. Once convinced we had the right train we boarded but were quickly stopped by one of two guys cleaning the train. He asked us where we were going. We mentioned our destination and showed our tickets. He said we were on the wrong train and said we should be several tracks down. We pointed out that the board above the train said Sarzano and the correct departure time. He assured us it was the wrong train. We got off the train, checked the track he mentioned and then rechecked the schedule boards. Nothing made sense so we went back to the original train. There we found two Americans who were going to Pisa on the same train so we assumed at least the train was going in the right direction. Needless to say the train went to Sarzano and we made it to the Cinque Terre. There was no indication the worker was looking for a tip or any other type of scam. All we could figure was that the worker didn't want us on the train so they could finish the cleaning.

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41 posts

I have just done thatMalpensa to bellagio via Saronna. The trick is to get the Malpensa express that stops at Saronnaon the board on the station and not the through expresstricky. One must work it out for oneselfhad two other experiences like yours in Italy. Ticket seller told us to go to a platform for train from Lecco to MIlan. We thought it was early according to our research and just missed it and boy were we glad. It took 2 hours to get to Milan. The one we wanted left 15 min later and took 30 mins. Same thing on ferry. Thought it left in 10 mins but ticket seller told us to hurry to other boat for an earlier one. Earlier sure but it went the long way around taking40 mins instead of 10. Seems they send you to the first available with no thought to what is best for you. SO look at the timetables and trust yourself as well.