This is the wisdom of Roberto and several other people on this forum I trust a lot. It is not shared by my happy-go-lucky husband, and is one of the very few things we disagree about while traveling in Italy the last 22 years. Our (fact-free) estimation of the likelihood of our bags being stolen is about equal, but for me the loss of my clothes and other painstakingly acquired or necessary stuff would be pretty devastating. Just for instance, all my scent free skin products and laundry detergent which I can’t find in Italy. My husband could walk into a few shops and replace everything in his bag in an hour.
I wish we had some facts or statistics or something. Like, aren’t our bags safer in the car for the two hours we’re eating lunch in a small town in the fall or winter than if we were, say, parked in Pisa all day in midsummer? Seems like it. We did leave our luggage in the car while eating lunch in Tuscania last week on our way from Tarquinia to Pitigliano —- reasonable?
The decision- making here resembles the carry-on vs checked bag dilemma —- surely there are factors that make that more or less risky? Thoughts, anybody? Is not leaving luggage in your car a rule for you (like always wear a seat belt) or a rule of thumb (like restaurants are usually better if away from the tourist spots)?