We are looking ahead to 2022 and hoping to get to the Dolomites again for some hiking. This time we would like to go with a guided hiking group and I have a particular company in mind. They offer the trip in late June (overlapping into July) and early September.
We have been to the Dolomites 3 times before, twice in early September and once at the very end of September. Each time we had mostly nice weather but at least one day of pouring rain—-actually thunderstorms on both of the early September trips. We were up on a high open plateau and had to seek shelter.
I am leaning toward June for this trip, because that is too early for hiking in our local mountains (the North Cascades), and also I would love to hike in green meadows with wildflowers blooming (where they haven’t been eaten by cows or goats). But then I would have to juggle that with a hoped-for return trip to Alaska, which we also like to schedule in June. Decisions, decisions. . . .
Can anyone compare the likely weather pattern for late June with early September? Also, the scenery—-I cannot remember if the meadows are still green in September. And I cannot easily find my photos that might resolve the question (bad filing on my part).
Thanks for your help.