This will be my second trip to Italy, and YAY, this time I get to use FF miles! The bummer is that I'm having difficulty getting the flights to work out the way I want, and i cant go until almost November. i have a great desire to see Pompeii, only it looks like I will be flying round trip into Milan. I also intend to just see places that I haven't been before. So my question is, do I fly into Milan and then take a train directly to Naples and work my way back north for the return trip, OR work my way south and then head back to Milan a day or so before the flight home? Or just forget about Pompeii this trip and stay mainly around Tuscany/Umbria? Some ideas of the places I am considering to add to this trip are Padua, Ravenna, Assisi, and Orvieto. How will these places be in November?
Oh,and is Naples really all that bad? Will I feel safe there as a middle aged woman traveling alone? I'd rather not travel as far south as Sorrento if it can be helped, and I really want to go to the museum that has all the artifacts from Pompeii. And eat pizza ;-)