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Itinerary dilemma: Milan/Como/Varenna/Lugano/Venice add-on: Salzburg or Trieste?

I am planning a trip in late August/mid-September I am firm about including Milan, Varenna/Como/Lugano and Venice. However I am wrestling with two add-ons to the itinerary 1) train to Venice from Milan via Verona (staying a night or two in Verona then on to venice then a stop over/stay in Trieste then to Varenna/Como/Lugano fly out of Milan. Not sure about transportation from Trieste to Varenna? Or 2) forego verona/padu and Trieste and start in milan to varenna/lugano/como train to venice, train to Salzburg and fly out of Salzburg?
Can anyone offer their experience with either itinerary? I am planning a 14-16 day trip. Thank you for your input!
Carolyn from Seattle.

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7999 posts

I love Salzburg, but I wouldn't include it in this trip unless there's a short flight between Venice & Salzburg - too long by train. If you go with the first option, fly into Venice (or opposite direction, fly into Milan), then fly out of the other location. Otherwise, you're wasting time traveling back to the point of origin.

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11613 posts

I would fly into Venezia for 3 nights, perhaps Ferrara, Verona or Ravenna for 2 nights, Bologna for 2 nights, Varenna/Como/Lugano (you would take the Bologna-Milano train and transfer to Varenna) for 3 nights, .That leaves you 3-5 nights to play with; you could add Trieste between Venezia and Bologna.

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15 posts

Thanks everyone for your input. My reason to add Salzburg is my husband's love of the Sound of Music...he'd kill me if he knew I broadcast this! additionally it would add another country that neither of us has been to together. Naturally I want to do it all. I will look into flights between Venice and Salzburg.
Thanks again!

Posted by
907 posts

Salzburg is spectacular. I drove from there to Venice, through Bolzano and it took about 8-9 hours. A long ways. I would skip it and then plan a Switzerland - Bavaria - Austria trip next time. You will love those three areas.

Milan to Como to Venice makes the most sense. If you want to go to Trieste fine and then train to wherever after that, perhaps Croatia (maybe by boat) to Rijeka? That adds a country to your trip. You have the time.

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1412 posts

If your husband love's the Sound of Music then you should spend a couple of days in Salzburg. You might consider researching getting there from Milan on the train via Verona, to Innsbruck and then up and over. To get to/from Varenna from Trieste/Venice/Verona, etc. I'm pretty sure the best way is through Milan. We rode from Venice to Milan then up to Varenna and back to Milan. Varenna is about an hour from Milan. Double check because it's been about 5 years since our trip although I was in Milan again this past April.

Posted by
15 posts

Thanks again, for all the great tips and opinions based on your experiences!