Can anyone tell me if there are restrictions for carrying razors and shampoos, etc in excess of 3ounces like the airlines do?
There are no restrictions on TrenItalia trains. Can't speak to the Italio trains.
There are no security checkpoints to go through before boarding on Italian trains.
However between Florence and Bologna the Polizia Ferroviaria (Railway Police, a division of the Italian State Police), at times patrols the trains and matches people to bags. The entire 50 miles is in a tunnel under a mountain and unfortunately in the 1970's and 1980's powerful bombs were set off while going through the tunnel. No restrictions on razors, knives or even guns. They figured out that it's hard to hijack a train and tell the conductor to take the train somewhere else.
As Roberto posted, no restrictions on Italian trains including the new company ITALO. Returned recently from Italy and used ITAlO for our major journeys and they were great! Booked before leaving home.
Thank you all. Just needed to ask.