We are staying in an Italian country villa ( http://www.casaalessandra.biz ) for a month with friends, driving distance to Perugia, Italy. We will be using a rental car the entire time. We do, however, have 2 train uses. We are going for three days in Rome while at the villa, then at the end of trip need to get to the airport to fly to Venice while our friends keep the rental car and drive to another destination.
Nutshell Version:
1. Perugia to Rome, round-trip (2 seniors)
2. Perugia to Rome Airport, one way (2 seniors)
For these two needed train trips should we bother with a euro pass? If so, where do we buy it and will that cover the whole train trip or is there additional charges if we choose certain train lines? We want to go first class.
It appears there's several train lines and I became very confused the best way to go. We want comfort over saving money.
Thank you in advance for any help!