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Italy tourism Outlook

We just successfully received 100% of our refunds from our canceled June 2020 two week Italy trip and call me crazy but I am already itching to plan a new and improved trip.
When is the question!

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1076 posts

Diane, that’s good info to know.

Our trip is scheduled for September, we were taking our 23 and 26 year old sons. Their first time to Europe, so of course we are all very much disappointed. I was talking to the 26 year old and he said one reason he wouldn’t want to go this year even if we could, was he knows the Italian people wouldn’t like it when they found out we were from the U.S. and he doesn’t blame them.

I agree. When we go, we want it to be a lighthearted visit for host and guest. My hope is we can go in September 2021.

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573 posts

My Italian relatives are not wanting foreign tourists for awhile, especially from the US.

Today I was in the center of Modena and have talked to some people there. The most of people are looking forward to have tourists again, even from abroad. Maybe somebody is scared of US tourists, but the 99% of workers are not scared at all.
And I am talking of Modena, not the typical touristic city.
Don't be worried: you will be welcomed in Italy like before the virus.

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2176 posts

Ricky and Lulu
My Italian relatives are physicians in the north of Italy and near Rome. “They” fear a resurgence! I’m sure they might feel differently if they were hourly workers. They are taking a huge hit with their seaside hotel and beach rentals though.

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10 posts

I would think Chinese tourists would be more unwelcome given the doubts expressed around their reporting of what is actually happening there.

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10 posts

Actually, RobertH, it’s one of the few subjects there is bipartisan agreement on.

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340 posts

No, it's not. All governments conceal what they don't want getting out for various reasons. Look at ours and the Scientist down in Florida that got fired because she wouldn't manipulate the covid numbers to suit the "opening up" plans.

There is a rabid group that believes that goes much further in China. I believe it goes further, they have the system in place to enforce it. But what that group believes is concealed (including the virus being made in the lab in Wuhan) goes a lot further.

I don't.

But I'm done.

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149 posts

According to marmeg, I should stop going to Italy, traveling or get out of the US.

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573 posts

“They” fear a resurgence

Everybody fear a resurgence here in Italy. Is the reason why after 3 months there are still several limits.

The most of Italians are patiently waiting to come back to a normal status, so we know very well that there will be places you can be travel from next month and places where you cannot. There are experts who are taking the decision to say where and how you can travel.
this doesn't mean that Italians don't want foreign tourists at all. There isn't a distrust on tourism and tourists, that (when allowed) will be welcomed as before.

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1076 posts

That’s good to know, Ricky. Unfortunately my flights were cancelled. I’m having a hard time pulling the plug on my hotel and Walks of Italy tours. I keep thinking there might be the slightest possibility it would happen in September.

Then yesterday I saw the pictures of hordes of Italians partying over the weekend and thought, oh-oh, just like over here when things opened up”. I bet there will be ongoing little waves. Masks, social distancing, etc. even in late summer.

I think my eyes are on September 2021.

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573 posts

@Lulu. We hope for no new Covid wave. At the moment was expected an increasing with the opening of factories and other economical activities one month ago, but the number of cases are still decreasing every day more. Italy seems on the same path of China: a long total lockdown and after a couple of months the virus almost disappeared.
In tourism now we are defining rules for restaurants, hotels, museums, groups. The only lack, of course, are tourists. From next Monday will be removed even the limit of the movement between Regions.

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69 posts

We were supposed to go to Florence and Tuscany for the first week in May and our travel dreams were dashed! I like you jmanno am looking to see "when" we'll be able to go. Even if the US gvt does lower the travel restriction from level four, I want to make sure all museums, attractions, shops and restaurants will be open, we will not have to quarantine for two weeks upon arrival and not have to wear a mask 100% of the time on the trip.

I'd love to think we'd be able to go in September or October but, I do think its going to be a long process for getting back to the "normal" way of traveling or at least an enjoyable experience. Alaska was the first state to fully open four days ago because they have so few cases but, they're requiring visitors to quarantine for two weeks upon arrival. I have an unlimited vacation policy at work but, few people can pay the money to stay for two weeks then take time off from work for the actual vacation (myself included). In the meantime, I've written out my itinerary so I don't loose all my research for when we can someday book our trip again!