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Posted by
10484 posts

Important to note that this is for tourists from other Schengen countries only.

Posted by
16733 posts

Yes, but it's a start. You have to crawl before you can walk.

Posted by
3522 posts

But your title nor the content of your posting doesn't convey the limitations unless the linked article is read. Maybe a more careful choice of words would be prudent.

Posted by
10484 posts

Oh yes, it's absolutely a start, but also critically important to note the limitations at the same time so as not to give hope where it's not warranted.

Posted by
16733 posts

Nowhere in the article I posted does it say it is limited to Europeans. You are getting that information from other articles.

The title is correct; Italy is reopening to tourists.

Here is a BBC article on this. It also fails to make any mention of restrictions on non-Europeans:

This Washington Post article says initially Italy will be closed to Americans but that should change by mid-June:

Posted by
10484 posts

I am getting that information from all the information published by the Italian government and available in the Italian press. Just because the article you quoted doesn't mention it doesn't mean it's not true.

Posted by
60 posts

I’m monitoring this news story as well and doing my best to check sources. The news from the Italian Government website seems to be saying (via google translate) ....

These rules will also apply to travel to and from abroad, which may be limited only by state measures also in relation to specific States and territories, according to principles of adequacy and proportionality to the epidemiological risk and in compliance with the constraints deriving from the regulation of the European Union and international obligations....

Given that it’s the weekend, I’m betting that any confusion on this topic (EU vs International) will be clarified early this coming week.

I had a trip planned to Italy for June 16-26, which I’ve come to terms with cancelling. However, I’d consider the option of traveling this July (maybe). Otherwise I’m assuming next summer due to kids school schedule + my wife is a teacher too.

Posted by
21331 posts

Tim, it would be great if we could make it this summer. There is some positive talk coming out of a number of countries. I have my fishing pole and passport ready, just in case.

Posted by
573 posts

The article is in fact correct, because in Italy tourism was completely forbidden during the last months. Next week tourism will be allowed for Italians again (even with "engage" rules and some limit). From the third of June will be probably authorized movements between any country of the Schengen area.
The authorization to travel means that no quarantine is necessary when somebody arrive in Italy, but all other rules must be respected. We are still waiting rules and guidelines for several kind of activities, so next week few places will be really opened. For example here in Emilia next week very few museums decided to be opened, because the guidelines are not sure yet and they need to take agreement.

Posted by
125 posts

Thanks for sharing the article. This is terrific news. Definitely a positive step.

It seems that many people are hopeful that a fall trip is possible. I found this to be true by the many RS tours that are booked.

It’s nice to have something to look forward to.

Posted by
3522 posts

travel curbs will be lifted from June 3 and travellers from European Union countries will be able to enter without going into quarantine

I guess you missed this sentence in your original article.

True it does not call out any other countries, including the US, but this would appear to in fact exclude any countries not in the EU. And there is no mention of further relaxing of the current restrictions that the EU itself have imposed limiting anyone from outside Europe from visiting. I'm sure the opening will come, but as we have been told, we should not speculate or try to predict the future.

Posted by
1092 posts

I'm following this with extreme interest, as we are moving to Italy as soon as we can get there (supposed to be en route right now.) However, even once the borders open, the airlines need to decide which routes they intend to re-open first. Canada's two major airlines are on their knees, and I am afraid the routes to Rome will not be anywhere near the top of their lists as they allocate their limited resources to potentially higher-volume routes. I would ride a tricycle to get there if I could...but that pesky ocean is going to be tough to pedal across. Still, I'm very happy that Italy is on the mend and I hope they get intra-Italy and intra-Europe tourists this summer.

Posted by
23 posts

You wrote >>>> Tim, it would be great if we could make it this summer. There is some positive talk coming out of a number of countries. I have my fishing pole and passport ready, just in case.

Thanks to shorting Boeing stock after it cracked 170 -- I'd love to help reinflate Italy's economy with 8 to 10k over a 5 to 6 week trip. Bring it on.....I'll even wear a mask if it's absolutely necessary. 🤪

Posted by
32411 posts

That's good news but I won't be planning a trip right away as hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities may not be fully operational at that time. At this point, it could be difficult to even get to Italy. Air Canada will be laying off 20,000 workers at about the same time, so flights are going to be very limited (at least from here).

Posted by
16733 posts

It's interesting that people who have posted on other threads that they don't believe travel should start until next year, or the year after, and until a vaccine is in place, attack any information that goes against their beliefs.

If you don't like a posting do what you have told me to do....move on to something else. If you don't want to travel until all your requirements are met, don't travel. But there are those who wish to travel when the experts say it is safe. I'd rather listen to the health experts and make a decision than a "Travel Board" participant.

Just because you are not traveling does not mean you can't get the virus and spread it in our own home town. Unless, of course, you NEVER leave your home for any reason.

As of now, Americans can not enter Italy. But from what I read, starting July 3, they can enter but at this time they will have to enter quarantine. For those of you who take a two week vacation every year, this is no good. But there are plenty of people who stay longer. They can arrange for an apartment for two to three weeks, arrange to have food delivered during that time, and afterwards go out and enjoy Italy.

Will I travel to Italy on July 3? Of course not. First, it too hot in the summer. But mostly I want to see how it goes. In my lockdown area, restrictions have been lifted but I'm still not running to go to a restaurant, a mall or get a haircut. I'm waiting to see how it goes.

Posted by
21331 posts

I am a bit concerned about going to a region that includes 9 of the top ten countries in terms of COVID death. But I cant see a thing wrong with going if that country has evaluated their situation and decided to invite you in.

The argument that you shouldn't go or you will be killing people is one that the Webmaster has asked those here to avoid. But I guess when you are single handedly saving hundreds of thousands of lives rules dont apply to you.

Posted by
573 posts

Today has been officially released the decree about rules to be followed:
Very interesting the Art.6:
from the 3rd of June are allowed to enter in Italy without quarantine people coming from:
- European Union
- countries of Schengen area
- United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
- San Marino , Vaticano, Andorra, Monaco.

Until 15th of June are forbidden travels from any other country. Who knows what will happen after that day?

Posted by
1700 posts

Frank's common sense appears to bamboozling some people.

"Depends on how good the fishing is.' - Now, that's a good line.

Posted by
3522 posts

Just because you are not traveling does not mean you can't get the virus and spread it in our own home town.

That is very true. But if I am going to get the virus, and I hope I don't nor anyone else I know, I would rather be close to home where my insurance works and I understand the language than in a foreign country.

I cant see a thing wrong with going if that country has evaluated their situation and decided to invite you in.

I see no issue with that either. But I don't know of any country with an open invitation right now. I don't consider mandatory 14 day isolation on arrival to be an open invitation.

Good luck on your travels.