I wish it weren't so. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/how-climate-change-is-upending-the-patterns-and-predictability-of-italys-wine-industry/2018/10/28/3ae7a9a0-c71e-11e8-9c0f-2ffaf6d422aa_story.html
The troubling thing is that Italy isn't the only region whose wine industry is coping with the deleterious effects of global warning.
Think of the terrible heat waves that have hit Spain, France, Greece, and northern California.
The article mentions that one alternative is purchasing arable land in other countries where the grapes won't be subject to such heat. Imagine the spike in prices. Imagine how some consumers will react when they see that their Italian wines come not from, say, Tuscany or Piedmont, butnorthern China or the Pyrenees.