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Italy restrictions for UK residents? Any easing?

AFAIK, Italy is still requiring residents of the UK (or even transiting Heathrow) to quarantine 5 days. I had the impression that was going to be revisited soon (today?) but apparently I was wrong (not the first time).

Anyone have any insight, other than wait and see if it will change?

I have a trip booked late September, and am a fully vaccinated US citizen, so at the moment it looks like I can still enter. But the majority of my tour group are from the UK, so while I can get in without quarantine, they cannot, so the tour itself is up in the air at present.

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AlanJ, as of yesterday, we were flying in September from Denver to Heathrow, then changing planes for Bologna, Italy. We were just passing thru the London airport, but had just discovered that route would mandate a 5-day quarantine in Italy, for anyone who’d been in the UK at any time in the previous 14 days. Couldn’t go to the grocery in Italy, and reportedly couldn’t have food delivered to us. What I understood was that the quarantine regulation was through at least August 30. Maybe that would be lifted Aug. 31, but waiting until then to see if we needed to make other arrangements before Sept. 21 was going to be very stressful.

Americans, Canadians, and Japanese are in a special category on some level, compared to Brits, and your nationality does make some difference, regardless of where you reside at the moment. But arriving in Italy from a UK flight automatically put everybody in quarantine. This could help answer questions:

Today, we remedied that by rebooking with British Airways, and flying partner American Airlines from Denver to Dallas/Ft. Worth, then taking an American flight directly to Rome. We can get to Bologna by train from there. No Heathrow, no quarantine (unless things change in the meantime for Americans flying to Rome).