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Italy rail travel

Is a 12 minute transfer at the Parma train station do-able / reasonable? We are planning travel from Venice to La Spezia. Thanks!

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11613 posts

I've been to the Parma train station, it's not too large, so 12 minutes should be fine if your train isn't late. I would try to be sure there's a later train, just in case. I like a 15-minute window, but if everything is on time, you'll be fine.

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137 posts

I agree with Zoe. Train travel in Italy is excellent and extremely time oriented. We found all of our departures and arrivals to be spot-on!
We used 7 stations in 10 days and never had a glich. In fact we could have set our watches by the trains. We used a Eurail pass and the extra 10 euros was worth reserved seats in A/C cars. Good luck.

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7737 posts

Just FWIW, it almost never makes financial sense to buy a Eurail pass for train travel in Italy. More than 95% of the time, point-to-point is less expensive; sometimes MUCH less expensive.

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5 posts

Yes, very much reasonable. We traveled Firenze to Verona and changed in Parma with only 9 minutes. We departed from the same track! I agree with Michael, point to point much cheaper. This summer we booked all our train tickets online through trenitalia. First time traveling in Italy with a one page printed itinerary and a confirmation code. It worked! The conductor just entered in our code each time into his machine and no problems.