Definitely the RS tour money belt is a must on all occasions. But, a friend of mine (frequent traveler) has a novel idea. He carries besides his money belt a cheap wallet with some inexchange rate foreign currency notes, photocopies of old German pre-Nazi era hyperinflation currency (1 million Deutsche Marks, etc), Monopoly money, and pages of heavy bond paper cut like currency. In the picture section there are cartoon characters, and an id card says, Elvis Presley, Main Street Kalamazoo MI, and finally a small note in the local language reading, "Not this time; not today." This way the thieves will go for the decoy first. I guess once you get ripped off you need a new cheap wallet though !
I've often thought of doing something like this, just for kicks. I was going to write "nice try, sucker!" in the local language, or maybe rig the decoy with some kind of joy buzzer so he'd get caught red-handed (a much riskier idea, I admit). Never had the time or enough motivation to actually put it together though. In the end, it's satisfaction enough for me to know that they can paw me all they want - my stuff is safe in the money belt. That said (out of pure, idle speculation) if more people did this, I wonder if it would have any kind of effect on the rate of pickpocketing? Would they find another scam to run? Or would they just hit more targets in order to make up for the phony hits?
This is frequently posted as "cute" idea but I think it is a really stupid idea. The idea is that you do not want to attract any attention - period. I don't anyone thinking I could be a potential target and have anyone make an attempt even at a fake wallet. I don't want anyone that close. First off, pickpockets are not random. Almost all involve a team that sets up the target, s the distraction, and someone hits him. The idea that you are walking along and someone bumps into you and suddenly you have lost your wallet, watch, gold tooth is only in the movies. Why would you want to a situation when you could be viewed as a target?
Agree that you don't want these jokers near you.
Been there, done that. 20 years ago Rick comically suggested to "leave a funny note in your wallet" for would be pickpockets. +50 points to any Rick die-hards that can name the episode. Although, I'm pretty sure he didn't mention any Nazi paraphernalia.
I agree with Frank. Better keep a low profile. You don't know who are around you.
One thing I am sure that, if you are doing this in China. You can be in big trouble.
I certainly don't think anyone is suggesting we TRY to attract pickpockets. After all, we're on vacation and have much better things to do! But even the most careful of travelers will still get "hit" from time to time (heck, even Rick Steves has had items - including camera equipment - stolen right out from under his nose), so why not have a little fun with it? Of course you're going to be as careful as you can be. But I don't see the real harm in carrying a little monopoly money in my breast pocket in the unlikely event someone takes it.
Edmond, While it might be an novel idea to "scam" the pickpockets, I suspect this won't be a good idea in reality. I suspect the person with the fake wallet will intentionally put themselves in close proximity to thieves, just to entice them to "lift" the fake wallet. That's closer than I want to be to pickpockets, so not something I'd ever advocate. Cheers!
Remember that sometimes pickpockets will take your wallet, remove the cash and replace your wallet in your pocket before you've even noticed. If they find monopoly money, they may grow angry and this could lead to some violence towards you. Pickpockets are clearly not the most upstanding people, and their reactions can be quite unpredictable. I wouldn't use this idea, personally.
I still maintain that this makes sense. You would not want to do this to entice a thief, just throwing them off track. There are 2 notable examples where this method worked spledidly. Prior to the D -Dau invasion, US and Britain set up a bogus base accross from Calais composed of inflated tanks, and other hardware. It looked real from the air and did have the intended effect somewhat. Secondly, there was a recent story of a thief stealing an elderly woman's pooper scooper bag thinking it was her purse ! What a surprise that must have been. Better a phony wallet than my moneybelt or worse.
I actually have heard of someone, I think on this site, that had done this. I believe they wore a fake wallet and everday for about a week the wallet was stolen every time. I did find it very funny; but in reality, it could get you into trouble, I suppose.
Devon - pick pockets work on stealth and will not get violent with you. This won't dissuad theives. There will always be enough tourists with wallets in pockets and purses carelessly tossed over shoulders to keep them well fed.
Setting a few phony bills in your coat pocket will not risk any violence. 1) As previously said, pickpockets operate in secret. Starting a fight with you would only blow their cover and attract the attention of other pedestrians and - most importantly to the pickpocket - the police. 2) Pickpockets don't look through what they've lifted until well after the theft (do you really think they're going to go through your wallet while you're still standing there?). So they'll be well gone by the time they realize they've been fooled. 3) If they were the type to forcibly take your cash, like a muggers would, then they'd BE muggers. Again, I think it's stupid to intentially put yourself in the "line of fire", as it were, or hanging around sketchy situations in the twisted hope of getting ripped off. But going about your normal routine with some phony cash in your pocket, and then having a laugh at the expense of these crooks should it be taken, would be a great vacation story to tell later on. I see no harm in it.
I don't see any harm in it either. Unless you don't have a backpack and camera and you are a tourist/traveller who only walks around with just minimal things, you will get noticed. I was thinking of doing the exact same thing. By the time they lift the wallet they will be long gone. I have seen it in Athens and they wait until the train is almost about to leave then lift the cash and dash out the train just before the door closes. You won't be putting yourself in harm doing this. The thief will be long gone before he/she even realizes they stole nothing!