Good afternoon. Long-time lurker, first time poster. We're looking at taking a trip to Italy for my son's high school graduation, in June 2020. We took our daughter to her choice (Maui). We've been to the UK and a lot of places in the US but I'm concerned about Italy. Mainly because of the language barrier. When we went to the UK, we did a day trip to Paris and a day really wasn't enough to start with, but the language barrier just didn't help because we just wandered around and didn't get to see much.
So....we don't want a repeat of Paris. That leads me to think of a guided tour, but we also don't want to be on a bus that drives by and points out the Leaning Tower of Pisa and you snap a picture through your window. Not sure if there is a best of both worlds?
Our son is a history buff and that is why he asked about Italy. I know he is interested in the Colosseum, Leaning Tower, Sistine Chapel, etc.
What is the feedback on the Italy - My Way tours? Does it sound like that could fit our needs? I appreciate any advice/feedback.
Thanks in advance!