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Italy Maps for my GPS

I am looking for Italy (or Europe) maps for my Garmin GPS unit. Does anybody know where I could buy them for a reasonable price (besides the Garmin Website)? Or do you know anybody willing to sell theirs?

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20 posts

We have a Garmin 750 GPS unit. We purchased the Italian maps throught the Garmin website and were never able to get it to work in Italy. Our first stop was Positano, from then on Garmin would only give us directions as if we were still in Positano. Be careful.

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10344 posts

The Garmin website and they are expensive. And then you have the challenge of trying to download them into your GPS and will they work when you get there. Better to buy a GPS that has them already in. If it's too late for that, you'll need to buy them at the Garmin website and try to get them into the GPS, in theory it can be done.

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4 posts

I ordered Italy map from Garmin for upcoming trip. Obviously I haven't tried it out yet but if it's like US you have to "let it know" you are in a new location. I live in Falls Church VA and the first time I used my Garmin in Saratoga Springs NY it thought we were still in VA until I reset location. I have my fingers crossed because on our previous - Garmin-less - trip, we spent the better part of two weeks driving "siempre dritto". Brenda

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12 posts

We bought a Garmin etrex Legend and Navigator Europe NT on E-Bay and hope it will work for us in Italy next month. We are driving from Florence to Barga (Apuan Alps) to Civita and finally Rome. Hoping the GPS keeps us from wandering too far off course. Has anyone used these and did they work?

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113 posts

Ask around to see if a friend or neighbor might already own a GPS that contains pre-loaded European maps. If they do, just swap GPS devices with them for the duration of your trip. That's what we did -- our next-door neighbor owned a Garmin 370 with Europe data -- and it worked out well.

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157 posts

I used a Garmin (nuvi 370) with pre loaded maps and it worked very well. Since there is some question on the ability of the Garmin maps to download properly, I suggest seeing if you can sell the one you have or return it and get one pre loaded with maps.

I have not tried to upgrade or change the pre loaded maps in anyway.

I have never had my GPS think I am still in the other location - except while it is looking for the satellite once you turn it on. After all if you turn it off in one town and turn it on in another how can you expect it to know it moved.

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2207 posts

I have a Garmin 660 I bought on eBay for work in the States. Then I purchased (also on eBay) the "card" containing all Eurpoe maps. Once here in Europe it took 15 minutes to load up the first time but now have used it in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Sardinia, Corsica, and France - works GREAT!

I would suggest looking up the required "card" according to the Garmin website (as I did) then head to eBay for the best price. I paid less than 1/3 of the price required on the Garmin website. Id you're uncomfortable on eBay, try Tiger Software - they carry many Garmin maps!
