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Italy Law Decree 1 year vouchers

To the Post "Any luck extending a hotel voucher beyond Dec 2021?"

I also had a trip planned to Italy May 2020 and needed to cancel --actually it was Alitalia that cancelled my flights and rightly so as the pandemic was not subsiding. So I needed to cancel hotels; trains; tours; transportation. It took lots of hours. As of Jan 2021, I asked the hotel in Italy if this Italian law decree that states vouchers need to be given vs actual refund could be extended to 2 years vs 1 year. My reasons were the Pandemic is still ongoing; vaccinations are scarce; Curfew restrictions in countries; Places being closed etc..... I was told "No" by the hotels. Alitalia did refund my flights but it took months and many calls. Trentitalia gave credits; Tours- Walks of Italy gave options-- credit or refund. I also purchased non-refundable hotel rooms via the hotel website to get the best deal 1 year prior to the pandemic hitting. Never thought as I'm sure many did as well, besides the possibility of my trip being cancelled due to a personal health problem, not due to a pandemic, I would have never booked non-refundable rooms. Lessons learned for the future. I am not asking for a refund just an extension for the vouchers to 2 years and not sure why the hotels cannot accommodate? The pandemic is still ongoing. I wish this Italian Law Decree would change the expiration of vouchers to 2 years which it seems is the only way the Hotels will comply? Well, I will see, if I am able to visit Italy again early Summer 2021 but its not looking good. Otherwise, I lose several thousand euros via hotel vouchers if this pandemic does not subside.

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34344 posts

you had me worried that this would be a post selling degrees online.

Thank goodness that's not the case.

I expect it is your spell checker.

The word you want is Decree with a "c", which means a law.

Maybe you could change the title of the post - fewer people will skip over it...

Good luck with it...

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12 posts

Yes my mistake -- Italy Law Decree. Not sure how to edit the title? Thanks for spelling error catch..

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568 posts

At the moment is not under discussion by the Italian Government to postpone again the vouchers issued during 2020. The validity of the voucher is in fact 18 month, not twelve: was increased in Summer by the so called "Decreto Rilancio", when the decree became an official Law (LEGGE 17 luglio 2020, n. 77).
The Law states that the 18 months of validity is applied even to vouchers emitted before the 17 of July. (Art 182, Comma 12-bis).
The same "Comma" states that after 18 months, if you aren't able to use the voucher you can ask a refund that must be given back within 14 days form the request.
The Art.182 Comma 12 states that with a voucher you can even purchase services valid after the expiration date.

This is the official link to the Law:
And this is the abstract (in Italian) of the Art.182 Comma 12-bis:
"La durata della validita' dei voucher pari a diciotto mesi prevista dal presente articolo si applica anche ai voucher gia' emessi alla data di entrata in vigore della presente disposizione. In ogni caso, decorsi diciotto mesi dall'emissione, per i voucher non usufruiti ne' impiegati nella prenotazione dei servizi di cui al presente articolo e' corrisposto, entro quattordici giorni dalla scadenza, il rimborso dell'importo versato. Limitatamente ai voucher emessi, in attuazione del presente articolo, in relazione ai contratti di trasporto aereo, ferroviario, marittimo, nelle acque interne o terrestre, il rimborso di cui al secondo periodo puo'
essere richiesto decorsi dodici mesi dall'emissione ed e' corrisposto entro quattordici giorni dalla richiesta. "

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12 posts

Thank you so much. This was very helpful. At least I know now I have till Oct 2021 before my vouchers expire.