This is my 2nd attempt to travel to Italy after my may trip was cancelled due to the shutdown. We were told after June 15th Americans can travel, now we are hearing no Americans. What will happen to us Americans if we go ahead with our plans and arrive on the 6th of Italy? We both have negative covid 19 test results and will re-test on the 2nd of July ...
Does anyone know if Americans will be fine to travel then? If not what would be my other options to get into the country?
If you are using US Passports I doubt you would be allowed on any flight going to Italy.
Follow any admissability changes on the link posted on your other thread. There will likely be changes after the 15th. However, the US is still a COVID 19 hot spot, so don't be surprised that it is excluded. There are no other options. No means no. As for the nonrefundable reservations you mentioned in your other thread- be prepared for the hotel to stick to their policy. You may get (very) lucky and be offered a voucher. Non refundable reservations are very risky at this time.
GET REAL! Go to the Watch Read Listen section and check the Forbes article in Travel News. The EU and Schengen nations have set rules regarding active cases per 100,000 population and the US exceeds their limit by an order of magnitude and that isn't going to change in four short weeks. If you are really, really lucky they will put you in quarantine for two weeks assuming they let you off the plane. Also note from the article, nationality does not matter it's where you are coming from that matters and in this case your point of origin has taken a third world approach to the pandemic so they really don't want you..
Even if your July 2 test is negative, given the reliability of some of the tests used in this country it only means there is a 50% chance you were negtive on the 2nd which means nothing on the 5th.
Grow up, face reality and start thinking about 2021 if we are lucky.
The situation is evolving but you may want to follow the American State Department COVID-19 information postings:
Current entry/exit information is reported as follows:
Entry and Exit Requirements:
On May 17, 2020, the Italian government issued a decree providing that
from June 3, 2020, persons traveling to Italy from member states of
the European Union, states party to the Schengen Agreement (the non-EU
states party to the Schengen Agreement are: Iceland, Liechtenstein,
Norway, and Switzerland), the United Kingdom, Andorra, Monaco, San
Marino, and the Vatican City State will no longer be required to
self-isolate under the supervision of health authorities for 14 days
unless they have stayed in other countries during the 14-day period
prior to entering Italy. For those traveling from a country not listed
above, including the United States, travel to Italy will be allowed
only for proven work, urgent health needs, or to return to your place
of residence. Those travelers continue to be required to self-isolate
for 14 days under the supervision of health authorities, either at
home or another address of their choosing. The Italian Foreign
Ministry provides English-language answers to frequently asked
questions regarding travel and a series of other subjects at the
following link: FAQs on the Italian Government’s Phase 2. For
additional information regarding international travel, please see the
following page maintained by the Italian Foreign Ministry: Government of Italy has implemented enhanced screening and
quarantine measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. As of March 3,
all passengers on U.S.-bound flights whose temperature is higher than
99.5 degrees Fahrenheit are not being permitted to board. Travelers should be prepared for additional travel restrictions to be put into
effect with little or no advance notice. Visit the website of the
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for additional information on
these new measures. Travelers who are not permitted to board should
follow the instructions of the Italian authorities.
Please, the 3rd world locked down fast, fast, fast because they knew they weren't equipped and their poverty. Peru had 10 cases when it shut down trapping all those tourists, India 100, African countries acted quickly due to their Ebola experiences. Some of these countries are getting hit hard now much later than us, though.
I wish we had acted like a 3rd world country. ;--)
As of now, Americans cannot enter Italy. What happens between now and July 5 is anyone's guess.
And don't worry about being turned away. If Americans can't enter you won't even be allowed on the plane.
Check this site as it is supposed to be updated if there are changes:
Trying to enter Italy illegally could mean major fines and a banning for years.
You mention plans to be tested on July 2, but would that provide assurance for a flight 3 days later? I don't know what kind of clearance that will/would afford, but say you were negative on July 2, but somehow got infected during the next 3 days? Even asymptomatic, what do test results say about the person being tested, if they travel later? These are difficult and surreal times. I hope you are able to safely do what you want to do, when you can. Stay healthy, and best of luck for your trip plans.
July is only a few weeks away, so I doubt that much is going to change by that time. The official U.S. State Department website states, "Global Health Advisory - Do Not Travel" - .
It's not likely that much is going to change by early July, especially as some states have seen a sharp increase in the number of virus cases in the last week or so. As the others have said, you may not be able to even board a flight. If you did manage to land in Italy, you'll likely have to endure a 14 day quarantine.
And even if by some miracle you did get to Italy....what the heck are you planning to do there when they are barely opening up themselves??
I also think as an American, you might not be received very well after all Italy has been through , coming from the US where CV19 is still an enormous problem.
Why not stay home and relax and plan for next year.
Perhaps see some wonderful places in the US instead?
Here’s post from an Italian resident that just made it back to Italy this week (from a Facebook group)
Background: I hold an American passport, and a longterm Permeso di Soggiorno. I also own my home in Italy.
Last year, I bought a ticket to go direct from Los Angeles to Rome on Alitalia on March 30. That flight was canceled. I rescheduled for May 19. That flight was canceled again by Alitalia. I had enough Delta airlines frequent flyer miles, so I checked online and could use my miles to travel on Air France (with Delta miles) from Los Angeles to Naples (with connections in Paris and Rome). Since that option was available daily, I didn’t feel the need to reserve soon- I was hoping the 14-day quarantine would be lifted. So I was willing to wait. BUT last Friday, I noticed online that the Delta/AirFrance option flight was hardly available anymore. But it was available in 48 hrs- on Sunday, June 14th. So I reserved it & prepared to fly. I had an N95 mask, several surgical masks, I bought a splashguard, I had two small bottles of hand sanitizer.
There is a required two page form in multiple languages which Italy requires. I downloaded the form in Italian, as I felt it would be easier for officials to read in Italian. But here’s the English version.
I chose L on the form and simply wrote in that I was returning home. I added nothing about urgency or emergency – which does not appear to be required. The Air France website also had a one page form certifying that I had not been exposed to the virus nor had any symptoms. I downloaded this form filled it in and had it with me for the trip.
I checked in at Los Angeles international airport at the Air France ticket counter. I deliberately gave them only my passport, curious as to how minimal were the requirements. Then they asked for my visa or residential document. I gave them my Permeso. They checked me in, I got my boarding passes and they required nothing else. Upon boarding the flight, they did take my temperature with a handheld device. I was also given another form to fill out asking me if I’d been exposed to the virus or had any symptoms. I filled the form out again, and now I had 2 copies of the same form. Neither was ever collected. The coach section was about half full, I got three seats across and could sleep on the plane! There was full meal & drink service – a hot and delicious dinner+wine; & then a breakfast snack. (Seems I didn’t need any of the three peanut butter sandwiches I had packed. LOL.)
Upon arrival in Paris, I gave passport control my American passport and nothing else. Again, they asked for my proof of residence, or reason. I gave them my Permeso. Done. At the gate for my flight to Rome, they asked to see my passport. Then asked and TOOK the two-page Italian document I shared above. The agent hardly glanced at the document, I believe checking for my signature alone. My temperature was taken and I boarded the flight. The flight was more crowded than I expected – but most middle seats were empty. I arrived in Rome, and walked to the gate for my flight to Naples.
I used my boarding pass and American passport as ID to board the flight to Naples. flight seemed full except all middle seats were empty. Upon arrival at the Naples airport, my temperature was again taken. And as I waited for my checked suitcase, there was an announcement in Italian then an English. Stating that anyone not arriving from 14 previous days in the European zone must see an official. The official turned out to be a police officer at the Naples airport. He directed me to fill out the two page form again they had been collected from me at the Rome boarding gate. He didn’t seem to
Here’s link to the Italian decree, updated on June 11th. Scroll down to Article 4
Part 2 of above post:
He didn’t seem to care that I had already filled it out. I filled it out again. He asked for my passport, and then asked for my Permeso. He also reminded me I needed to be in 14 day quarantine.
Now here’s where it gets fun, folks! I arranged for a private driver to pick me up at the airport. Anthony spoke English, and had been highly recommended by an American friend. We had a fun conversation for the 90 minute drive – but when we arrived in my town he said I should contact the ASL health department; and ask them to give me the virus blood test so I wouldn’t have to stay in quarantine! What?? Really??
Since I arrived at 8pm, I couldn’t call ASL until this morning. Now I spoke with a representative that spoke English – and asked her about the test. She asked for my reason. I told her I was in the middle of a renovation and had workmen to pay, work to continue, and lots to do in my home here. She said she would call me back after she checked with her supervisors about approving the test for me. Sure enough – ASL have arranged for me to take the virus test tomorrow morning in a neighboring town. If it’s negative, no quarantine!!! ASL informed me I need to arrange for a private driver, sit in the backseat with mask and gloves, and have the driver wait while the test is being conducted. No appointment. Cost- 40e. Just a window of three hours in which I need to show up.
I hope these details help others. I understand the stress and anxiety this type of trip can create for so many reasons. Bon voyage.
Wish me luck tomorrow morning!!
In bocca al lupo!
Anyway, are you going to Naples, not Como's lake? I suppose the test is quite expensive because you are not Italian: for citizens should be free of charge.
The flights in Italy (and in Europe) are full because there are not so many of them yet.
Keep us updated.
In reference to the last couple of posts referring to the American guy who went to Italy.
He was allowed into Italy because he was an American resident in Italy with a long term visa (permesso di soggiorno). He’s probably on an elective residency visa.
He would not have been allowed in if he was a visiting tourist.
At the moment returning residents, regardless of nationality, are allowed to enter Italy, although must be subject to 14 day quarantine upon arrival.
Non EU residents are allowed only with documented emergency reasons or undeferrable work Travel or if they are health workers. Even in these circumstances the 14 day quarantine applies and during that period no mass transit can be used (only rental car or a private driver).
I agree with Roberto. The poster's "American passport" means nothing as he has a long-term visa. A US citizen traveling overseas to Italy will be treated differently.
Not only an American citizen, but also an Italian citizen residing abroad like me is not allowed to Italy.
I was supposed to arrive in Italy today but had to cancel.
I had contacted the Italian consulate previously and they gave me all the information.
Italians living outside the EU and few other European countries like the UK (my case) can travel to Italy only in these circumstances (but still subject to the 14 days quarantine requirement and prohibition of boarding mass transportation):
1. Documented health reasons
2. Documented undeferrable work reasons
3. Health worker
4. Need to return permanently to Italy because of extraordinary circumstances (e.g. loss of employment in the country of residence)
Since none of the circumstances above applied to me the Consulate advised me to postpone my visit. The airline (Air France and Delta) also notified me of the flight cancellation so no chance anyhow.
I do work in a hospital so I could try to sneak in under the provision at number 3, but I work in the hospital finance department therefore it would be hard to pretend I’m a health worker. I don’t even know on which side of the body the pancreas is.
Roberto, you can also return to Italy, as an Italian citizen, if you've got a domicile or home. At least that's what I gathered from the NY consulate's FAQ. I might try next month since I live on an isolated mountaintop—I'd rather be there as this continues. (At least NY and CA have been responsible...the rest of the country seems to be a mess.) EDIT: Of course, coming from the U.S., you'd be subject to a 14-day quarantine.
I could claim an Italian domicile, and maybe be able to sneak in on that basis (assuming one can find flights from SFO, since all airlines have stopped flying from SFO to Europe except for a couple of United flights routinely canceled). But my vacation was less than 3 weeks, and if I have to spend 2 weeks in house arrest, what is the point for me to go?
UPDATE: I changed my July 5th travel date to July 25th. I emailed the European Commission and got a sweet email back telling me after July 1st Americans will be able to travel without being quarantined for the 14 days. I changed my July 5 later in the month so I can be on the safe side and she did say it could extend to mid July, but should not be later!
I rescheduled my rental car( hire car) with my new date in late July and the gentleman on the other end of the phone who happens to be in Italy, said that they were approved to let Americans hire vehicles after July 6. So I’m pretty happy and confident that July 25 will work out for me! I think that there is still hope for other people that are like myself that I absolutely love Italy and can’t wait to return.
I am willing to take the test for COVID-19 once I land and prove negative! That sounds like it might be one of the protocols. Thank you for those of you that sent many links and also links to forms that need to be filled out!
With the surge in Covid 19 cases currently happening in the U.S., you have to ask yourself why Italy would allow US citizens into their country after all that Italy has been through. We have about a third of the world's infections with 4% of the population. My wife and I are scheduled for a tour in October, and I give it less than a 1% chance of happening. The tour is still scheduled, my American Airlines flights are acncelled, and I have no intention of rebooking on another airline until I know for sure whether we are going. Showtime, I don't give you much of a chance of getting to Italy in late July. Whatever you do, don't book it with a European airline, or you will tie up your money for an indefinite period.
My husband who was born and raised in Italy (and has dual citizenship), headed to Italy today (we reside in the states). My father in law unexpectedly passed away (not covid related), and there so much that needs to be handled that is time sensitive — in the transfer of names (inheritance), and also with everything else - the cars / banking / bills the home and so much more, that my head is spinning.
My daughter and I are booked to Italy on July 2 and I am really anxious about being denied because I hold a U.S. passport, though my daughter has dual citizenship (she just turned 16).
My husband and I have been married since August 2001 and filed the necessary paperwork with the city in Italy but never completed the passport process. (we actually have an appt. with the embassy in Miami for October - which by the way was made over 2 years ago).
I can’t even imagine that I would not be able to be over there just because we didn’t go through the “legal process” - there has to be some sort of exception (this is NOT a vacation).
My husband and I are married with a child - the residence is in limbo because of my father in laws death....
All that aside - we are heavily grieving over this and need to be with the rest of the extended family.
My flight for my return flight back to the states in August was cancelled and I had to call Delta to rebook - there was a huge wait (they said they would call back and the wait time would be under 4 hours which would have had made it no later than 11pm) - I received a call at 3a.m. - was on hold for one hour before someone picked up to help me - and finally off the phone at 5:30 a.m. - (It took a long time - I am not sure how experienced she was the night relief and from Singapore) - all I know is I am exhausted!
Any words of hope?
Very sorry for your loss. Obviously it is not a pleasure trip to Italy.
I was reading about being allowed entry into Italy if you are not an Italian citizen - for work, medical, and family loss.
The ministry of foreign affairs (If the page does not translate automatically, go to the upper right corner and click EN.)
See if it can help you out.
Thank you so much for your reply - I will check into this.... Much appreciated!
You are welcome! The articles are long, but maybe there is some information that might guide you in the right direction, or at least give you an answer how to handle entry into Italy to help your husband with your father-in-law's estate.
Also MarMaro, here is another site that may be of helpful information.
Of course, things can change "daily." I could not find anything on regs for Delta when travelling to Italy. Where are you transiting from? The UK? Staying air side and wearing a mask is key.
It may be good to check your airline's travel help page for further updates. Good luck!
MarMaro, here is another article I found:
Exemptions from travel restrictions
The following are exempt from the temporary travel restriction to the EU+ area
- all EU citizens and citizens of the Schengen Associated States, and their family members for the purposes of returning home
- non-EU citizens who are long-term residents in the EU
passengers travelling for imperative family reasons < That may be a way to enter Italy legally now.
I don't know the documents you may need to show at entry, but of course showing residence if you need to quarantine for 14 days. Also, a copy of the death certificate may be very helpful. Also, proof of your husband's dual citizenship and why he had to go to Perugia right away would be helpful too, i would think.
looks like the eu is considering a ban on all travellers from the usa. i suppose we should forget about travelling to italy any time soon. i cancelled my 2 month 'grand tour' in early may. perhaps next year...
To answer the original question:
Yes, it now looks like you will be turned away.
Refugees requesting international protection under the 1951 Convention can still enter Italy (and the EU).
I think residents of the States of NY, NJ, CT, FL and several other States, can claim that refuge status based on their governors’ (and the President’s) failure to properly manage the pandemic and putting people’s lives at risk.
Roberto, you are inviting a firestorm now.
Although, I do appreciate the logic of your contribution, in a way.
However, refugee status should be available to all US citizens who, after all, share a common president.
Good point Roberto!
Girasole -
I just logged in today and saw your messages.... Thank you again for your help.
I called the international line at Delta (this seemed to be the biggest roadblock) a if you did not hold the appropriate passport, you were denied boarding - the only exception is govt permission. The problem is, it is extremely difficult to get through to anyone. This doesn’t seem like it will be a “quick” process.
I can provide as much proof as they need but apparently if you don’t have the “official stamp”, from the embassy , you can (and most likely will be denied).
And this info (because no one else answers the phone), is coming from Delta where it seems they are working with limited info at the international desk.
There is nothing really clear-cut as to where and from whom you need to receive the necessary documents you need to provide. - this only adds to the frustration
I know things do not work the same way in Italy as they do here, but I can’t understand why my husband couldn’t get anything official from the city or region (as we are recorded as married from 2001). The embassy is a least a 4 hour drive away from where my husband is.
Oh dear. Hmm. I "thought" there might have been some legal loophole in the links I sent that would allow you to join your husband in Italy because of this urgent and unexpected family matter.
Here is another "last" resort? I know time is ticking...
Perhaps contact Chris Elliott at
See if you can send him or one of his advocates a private email first (claiming time sensitivity since travel is a week away.) It is worth a try.
Some situations are posted on his website; which of course are made public.
Perhaps they can defer you to a special number. Sometimes they can only advise of the links I already sent you.
Good luck! And again, my sympathies to your family.
Girasole -
Thank you again for the information you have provided. I will give it a shot :)
Only time will tell at this point.....
Wish me luck
After seeing this report, your chances don't look good, regardless of the reason - .
I can’t seem to find a straightforward answer anywhere online and have scoured the web for accurate information.
I am a US citizen and I have a connecting flight from JFK airport in NY with a stop in Zurich, Switzerland on July 21st on my way to Italy. Being that this is a Schengen free-travel zone Independant from the EU will I have any problems when I make it to Italy? I have already called Swiss airlines and confirmed that I won’t have any issues passing through the airport, however they did mention I should check with the Italian consulate.
Some websites are stating that travel through a Schengen country such as Switzerland will still result in a 14 day quarantine period, which I’m ok with. Although other sources state that country of origin will still remain a factor.
The OP of this thread has supposedly received promising information directly from the Italian commission, stating travel would likely reopen mid July, however, I have yet to confirm which information is accurate
This trip is extremely important to me as I will be visiting my long distance Italian girlfriend for her birthday who I haven’t seen since the start of the pandemic.
Any and all insight is welcomed
I'm also wondering the same thing.
What's the news on regular Americans without domiciles in Italy being able to travel to Italy come say late August/early September? Will I be turned away at the airport?
josh and stonepebble, you will receive more replies if you start your own thread. But the answer is no one knows.
How about calling your airline ... they will know. But based on everything i have read or heard... US citizens will not be allowed to enter Italy any time soon. 400,000 CV19 cases and counting.
So, original poster itsshowtime2020, what finally happened ? Were you able to get on the plane to Italy?? Get off at the other end ??