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Italy in December

Our family is considering a trip over the holiday break, December 22-Jan 1. Italy is a first choice for everyone. What is it like in Rome, Florence and Venice in the winter? 40 degrees F can be comfy and brisk or miserable. Does anyone have experience in Italy at that time of year?

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204 posts

We have many times visited Italy in December and January, specifically over the Christmas holidays. Roma can be cold but the weather is usually very similar to Houston at that time of year. 30's and 40's that warm by afternoon to pleasant temperatures. It may rain some but the showers are short and clear out by afternoon. Days are short. Firenze is a bit colder and can be really cold by our normals in Houston. Maybe in teh 20's. Venezia is variable but definately colder and may flood St. Mark's Square. In Roma on Dec 24, 25, and 26 you need to plan carefully for meals. Many restraurants are closed, bus lines close or run shorter schedules. Taxis are more expensive, sites have shorter hours. Christmas day is a family holiday and virtually everything closes. Ask your hotel for suggestions. Trains run but with limited schedules. Plan ahead.

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209 posts

Yep! Charles' response is right on...
In Venice on Christmas eve and day, I was way more bundled up than in Rome at the same time next year. I'd say, overall you are on the right track with "brisk" as a description, but not "miserable."

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204 posts

Why not consider Rome and then head further south - Sorrento, Positano and maybe even Sicily- the weather may be somewhat warmer.

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65 posts

We were in Tuscany in Januray of 2008 and found the weather very similar to Georgia in January. Highs were in the upper 50's and lows were in the 40's. We had drizzle most of the days but it didn't last long and it certainly didn't spoil our trip at all. After all - your in Italy! It was never miserable.

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194 posts

About seven years ago, I was in Italy (Florence, Rome and Venice) around the time you're thinking of traveling. I thought it was comfy and brisk, but I'm also used to about 15F temperatures that time of the year! I remember being comfortable in a fleece jacket and sometimes gloves. St. Mark's was definitely flooded in Venice and everyone had to walk on raised platforms. But that was about the worst of it. I don't remember rain anywhere else.

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1317 posts

I've gone to Rome and Florence in both Nov and Dec. As the others report, it will be warmer in Rome. I think Florence was about 5-10 degrees cooler on average and it was definitely noticable. However, if you pack appropriate clothing (coats, gloves, long underwear), you will be fine. It rained on us a day here and there, but we also had beautiful blue sky.

The big advantage to going in the winter, besides a lovely vacation at the holidays, is the lack of crowds and cheaper prices. It's much more peaceful and welcoming, I think. Winter is our favorite time to go.