If you were taking a 14-day trip to Italy with 11 and 8-year-old children from mid-April to late April, where would you go?
Keep in mind that we generally prefer small towns & countryside to urban areas and we want to split our two weeks among no more than four towns/cities. We already have air tickets, flying into & out of Milan.
We are taking a 14-day trip to Italy from mid-April to late April with our two elementary-school-aged children. This will be the kids' first trip to Europe and probably the only one for several years.
Since we are flying into/out of Milan, we tend to prefer small towns/countryside, and I have never been to Venice, we had worked out the following rough itinerary:
Varenna on Lake Como: 3 nights/2 full days
Cinque Terre: 3 nights/2 full days
Lucca, including a quick visit to Pisa and a day trip to Florence: 4 nights/3 full days
Venice: 4 nights/3 full days
Rather than try to cover many different places, we would rather settle in to a smaller number of towns and get to relax, explore and enjoy them. For context, my husband and I took a kid-free trip to Italy in which we split a week between Orvieto (4 nights) and another small town in Umbria (3 nights) and we found that pace to be perfect for us. We wouldn't have wanted less time in either place.
However, here are my concerns about our current plan:
It's one thing to be in Florence, going to museums when it's cold and rainy outside. But our itinerary has two places (Lake Como & Cinque Terre) where being outside, admiring the natural beauty and hiking will be the main purpose in being there. I'm wondering if mid-late April is too early to really enjoy these places. I would hate to get to the Cinque Terre and find that the hiking trails are closed due to rain, for example, since that would be our main reason for going. And I have heard that Italy has been getting tons of rain this winter.
Rather than select the places in Italy where we most want to go (the itinerary above), I am starting to think that we should think about WHEN we're going to be there and design a trip around that. In which case, perhaps Sicily, Sardinia, or other southern/warmer destinations would make more sense. I believe we can get inexpensive Ryan Air flights from Milan to Sicily or Sardinia, so that's not a big concern. And Sicily IS on our bucket list...
2) EASTER and APRIL 25
We unwittingly booked our trip over both Easter and Liberation Day (the whole country)/ St. Mark's Day (in Venice). So that's why the flights were so reasonably priced! We can't change the dates at this point, so I'm wondering where in Italy would be the least crowded or affected by these holidays. I've heard, for example, that Rome is a zoo on Easter. Is that also true of Lucca (where we're expecting to be on Easter)? And how crazy is it to be in Venice on April 25, which we have planned?
In order to maximize travel efficiency (and avoid having to spend any nights in Milan), we were planning to start in Varenna and end in Venice. But perhaps because of weather and St. Mark's festival concerns we should reverse the order? Or should we forget this northern Italy itinerary and head to the south for these dates?
Other than the flight, we have no reservations yet, so are totally open. Advice & suggestions from experienced travelers welcome. Thank you!