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Italy In 10 Days - Is This Itinerary Possible?

Leave Thurs. night arriving Fri. morning
Day 1 Fri: Venice
Day 2 Sat: Venice

Day 3 Sun: Florence
Day 4 Mon: Florence
Day 5 Tue: Florence
Day 6 Wed: Rome
Day 7 Thur: Rome
Day 8 Fri: Rome
Day 9 Sat: Rome
Day 10 Sun: Leave Rome in the evening

Questions: Should I stay 2 nights in Venice, 3 nights in Florence and 4 nights in Rome? Any suggestions where to stay in Venice (budget)? Will I have time in Florence for a day or 1/2 day trip to Pisa and see Accademia, Uffizi, Duomo? How should I map it out? Day trip to Pompeii from Rome?

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Each traveler would do the trip differently. 9 full days is a shorter than average trip, so you would probably not want to try to squeeze anything else in, other than what you've already stated. The # of nights you've given is feasible. Some travelers, considering the jet-lag of day 1, would add a day to Venice, others wouldn't. Some travelers do 2 nights instead of 3 in Florence but if you want to do a day trip from Florence, 3 nights is probably needed. Some travelers "do" Rome in 3 nights but if the Pompeii day trip will be a long day, therefore 3 nights including Pompeii would not be enough Yes, you have time to do a day trip from Florence to Pisa.The only thing that confuses me a bit is "leave Thurs. night arriving Fri. morning": So you must be on a non-stop leaving from an eastern US airport and going non-stop into Venice?