Thank you for all the great suggestions so far! I’m really taking them into consideration.
I’ll give you a little more information about us which might be helpful in adding to any of your comments or new comments.
We have been to Siena, Florence and Orvietto as well that I didn’t to mention previously. We love Italy!
We like monuments, history and occasional museums, but also enjoy hiking, culinary exploration and photography. We are in our early 70s but active and fairly seasoned travelers. We really enjoy getting to know the locals. And you’re right -speaking the language can be really helpful. We speak a wee bit of Italian and Spanish which has gotten us by. And thank goodness for Google Translate. We’ve had some fun with that with people! I find that they really appreciate that you are at least trying, and not expecting them to speak English -in our case.
Regarding the Airbnb’s Tod /Hiredman, (we are from Oregon, so hello neighbor) Thank you for the reminders about checking into the long-term rentals and changes. I know that there are areas that are not as open or are clamping down to rentals like Airbnb because of the difficulty the locals are having in finding living arrangements. Or just too many tourists.
Just as an FYI that might be helpful to others, when we look at an Airbnb we do a really deep dive into the reviews. We look at the photos carefully and if there are windows, we try to see what the views are outside such as which floor they might be on, whether it’s very urban or industrial etc. Also if we can see a street sign if they show outside views, or specific shops we will look it up on Google maps and drop a pin and “walk” the neighborhoods. For us we don’t mind walking up three flights to get to our apartment, but we’d draw the line at bedrooms and bathrooms on different floors. Just not something we want to deal with in the middle of the night. Also we cook most of our meals at home, so a well equipped kitchen for a long stay is essential for me.
Considering the location to stay for the month, I am beginning to feel that maybe Bologna might be too big.? The comments about Verona having troubles with teen groups doesn’t fit with what I’m looking for, but all larger areas probably have something.
I’m wondering if anybody has any feedback on the Modena area?
I’ve heard lots of good things about Lucca but is it pretty far removed from what I’m thinking about for the autumn food/festivals and culinary experiences? Again we’d really like to have a town that is pretty walkable but has train access for those quick getaways.
October can be beautiful. I am so sad about the flooding that has taken place in the Bologna area and throughout Europe. We can’t predict the future but hopefully that is not the trend for these areas.
Please keep the comments or updates coming, you’re helping me determine which spot to call home for a month. Thank you so much!