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italy codice fiscale

I received a codice fiscale by applying through Has anyone done this and obtained SIM card recently in Italy. Thanks

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1127 posts

You do not need a codice fiscale to buy a SIM card. Show your passport & you'll be fine.

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2207 posts

A codice fiscale is the Italian version of a tax identification number and is "required" to purchase some simple items such as a cell phone. If you are moving to Italy it can be handy to have the codice fiscale before you leave home, and it is a relatively simple process to obtain one.

***You really do not need one to get a SIM card for your phone. We have three separate cell phones, all with unique SIM cards, and we do not have a codice fiscale. (My wife's position is tax exemppt for two years). I also have SIM cards for England and France so I guess we have 5 phone numbers over here - and a Vonage # to call the States! For me, as long as I make a call once in a 6 mos. span, the #'s stay active. Cheaper to use when you go to that country!

You can buy your SIM cards on line from ebay (got two there) or from a site like Telestial (got one there), All three SIM cards are with TIM, the largest telephone provider in the country.

Or as Sam says, in Italy you can just show ID (passport) and get one here. I liked having a phone number BEFORE I got here so I could give to family in case of emergencies.

I struggled to get a SIM card in England because they are changing the laws due to terrorist concerns. My hotel concierge "helped" me a few years ago in London. It was just after the subway blasts...

Hope that helps!


Posted by
401 posts

Unless you have a Codice Fiscale, it can be hard to get a SIM number in Italy. For my first cell phone I had an Italian "buy" it for me, because the store would not sell me the phone without a CF.
If you have the Codice Fiscale, then you will have no problem getting a SIM card, though I see other people on this site have other creative ways of getting around this problem.

Posted by
223 posts

I have never been asked for my CF to buy a SIM...but...I have a home in a small town and they know who I am perhaps that's why they wouldn't bother asking.

If you do want/need a CF, it is very easy and...your local Italian consulate or Vice-Consulate will do it for you in the can usually download the form from their website and mail it in - they then emailed my number to me (this was Newark, NJ Vice Consulate - I think some make you want for the mail) can take up to a couple of months to receive the actual card in the mail (as said, it is similar to our SS card - it is a Tax ID number)

honestly...I would not bother getting one as a tourist can buy SIM cards over the internet (although they do cost more). I think I used cellularabroad to buy my SIM card before I even left the US. the onoly people I know who have gotten CFs are homeowners or work in Italy...why bother with the bureaucracy if you will only be there for a short time?

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1449 posts

I went into the official TIM store and they wouldn't sell me a SIM card without a Codice Fiscale. Later on the trip I was walking by an electronics store that sold a variety of electronics including cellphones. They sold me a TIM chip.

However to the OP if you have an official CF and a passport, I think you can buy a SIM anywhere.

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831 posts

To answer your question, yes, I have done it but not recently. I don't think it is a legal codice fiscale but they want to make a sale so they take it. I have also bought a SIM with just a passport.

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486 posts

In spite of the claim, we just needed a passport. They did not even ask for the CF.