What would anyone recommend seeing between Bologna and Venice? We have 1 night left on our trip planing.
Can you be more specific as to what you are interested in? This is such a broad question that's it's difficult to give an answer. Donna
Tim, you also might want to edit your topic name to something more specific. After all, this is the Italy section of the bulletin board. The more specific the topic name, the more likely someone with helpful information will be to read it. Perhaps edit it to "Looking for sites between Bologna and Venice". As to your specific question, I would suggest Verona or Padova. The RS Italy book and Venice book both have helpful information on those two locations. Good luck.
take a look at Verona
Ferrara and Padova are on the way to Venice right off A13. A little out of the way is Vicenza, Bassano del Grappa, Verona and Ravenna.
Ravenna or Verona.
Padova, for the Scrovegni Chapel!!!
Depends where else you are going and how many days each...