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Italy April 14-28??

We are a family of 4, kids 8 and 10. Flying into Venice 2 nights, then to Rome 4 and Sorrento and Amalfi 7 days. Cancel??? Skip Venice and attempt to change flight to Rome? We fly home on April 28 out of Naples. Don't want to panic, but also don't want to be irresponsible.

Posted by
12220 posts

I suspect the real medical experts cannot make a reliable estimate of what the situation will be by the end of the week. Trying to foresee the situation 6 weeks from now is .....................?

As helpful as all the amateurs here might want to be, your guess, gut feeling or hunch is as good as any you can get here.

Probably best source of info to guide your decision is here --- and here

Posted by
2739 posts

Our trip to Italy is a few weeks later than yours but we are (along with many others) in the same boat. The only way I could make sense of this was to note a date 2 weeks ahead of our departure on the calendar. If the CDC has travel warnings at that time I am cancelling.

Posted by
8373 posts

It wouldn't risk going to Northern Italy as of now.
Even if everyone's healthy, who knows how U.S. Customs would screen you upon your return to the U.S. If one of you has the sniffles or any sign of illness, you all could be whisked away into quarantine for two weeks.
This is a situation that's To Be Continued.

Posted by
23 posts

I’m in the same boat as you. Traveling April 14-26. Flying into Venice and staying 2 nights then to Florence then Rome. Flying home from Rome. Also traveling with my family (including 6 and 11 year old). We are so bummed but I’m torn between waiting a few more weeks to see how things develop or just changing my flights to somewhere else at this point. I’m also curious what other April trip planners are opting to do at this time.

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3341 posts gave it a level three which means to reconsider travel.

Posted by
6009 posts

We are in the same situation, unfortunately , same dates [no kids], and this seems to be a very big club. I guess the upside is that this is a "first-world" problem.

We have trip insurance, but doubt that it covers epidemics. We probably will decide around April 1, and a factor is what British Air decides on our flights. We really do prefer traveling in April, as we live in Southern CA, and we avoid fall travel because it's fire season.

Being stuck in a quarantine is a big issue, as we have dogs and a house-sitter schedule to consider.

As I said, this is a "first-world" problem. Must keep it in prespective. Safe travels and good health to all.

Posted by
1 posts

Almost the same boat as you guys. Were early 40's, parents are late 60's. Leave to Rome 4/14, Naples, Florence, Tuscany, Venice, then Munich, flying home from Rome on 5/3. Parents will likely cancel and we'll probably skip Venice and fly to Munich from Florence. My concern is getting others sick and possible 2 week quarantine after we get back. That's a lot of work to miss. We're waiting until end of March to start changing plans.

Posted by
646 posts

I have a trip planned for April 10-25. Our first stop is Ireland. Our original plan was to go to Italy (Tuscany) for the second week. We’ve changed and now will spend the entire time in Ireland. Since we fall in the 60+ category, we’re not taking any chances. So sad for Italy and all other countries affected by this outbreak. If travel advisories change to include Ireland, we will most likely stay home.
Hoping we see an end to this in the near future, but that is being optimistic!
Safe travels everyone!