My wife and I are planning a trip to Italy this year. I haven’t been to Europe since 1992 and my wife has never been, so it is time to right this terrible wrong! We figured our 20th anniversary was a splendid time to do just that!
Here’s the nuts and bolts. We are flying from Portland, Oregon on September 23rd to NYC and will spend the night there. One country traversed! Then we fly from NYC in the afternoon to Milan on the 24th, arriving on the 25th @ 0630. We end our stay in Italy on October 20th, flying out of Rome. So….our time in Italy is the 25th-19th. 24 days. We are going to be ambitious and count the 25th, arrival day, as one of the days we plan to do stuff, hoping that going to NYC a day early will help with jet lag and some sleep on the plane.
About us~ we love the outdoors. This planet that God created is amazing and naturally beautiful. We want to see what He did in Italy. We also recognize that man is talented and creative as well and want to see what he has done…just not every basilica and fresco ☺. I am guessing at some point in our trip we will have seen enough and not feel the need to visit every one in the country! Although we both appreciate art, neither of us are art majors. We do, however, love history. So if we can combine the two, maybe more history than art, we are going to enjoy ourselves even more.
We are excited to try all the different cuisines in each region, as well as sample the wines and coffee. And gelato! We won’t be eating out all the time. We are actually on a budget! We tend to eat very healthy and prefer to visit a local market and make our own meals and take food with us on our excursions.
We don’t need all the extra amenities when we are lodging. A bed, toilet and shower will suffice. We are only bringing what we can fit in a backpack and will wash our clothes either in a Scrubba or in the sink and let the clothes dry while we are out for the day.
We plan to use public transportation as often as possible. We expect we will rent a car while exploring Tuscany and Umbria.
Milan holds no attraction to us outside of seeing the Duomo and the Last Supper painting. We will probably see more than that while we are there, but really don’t need to. We plan to spend the first night in Milan only because it’s our first day. We will leave the next morning….to where? That’s where I am hoping to elicit help from all you fine veteran Italian travelers!
We would love to visit the Lakes…maybe Como as it appears closer to Milan? I am guessing two days/nights? Then to Venice. Anything on the way to Venice? How many days/nights?
So here is our want list~Venice, Florence, Cinque Terre, Bologna (for food!), Assisi, Alfami Coast, Rome/Vatican, Tuscany, Naples (for pizza)/Pompeii.
We are not interested in the night life scence. We are now both in our 40’s and while we are still very active the allure of that life left over a decade ago. ☺
I think while in Rome we would expect to use a day in Vatican City. The other days in Rome….2 days? It will be at the end of our trip since we fly out from there. I am sure that I will have seen all the artwork and churches that I care to see by then!
We had originally hoped to swing down to Sicily as well, but it seems that most have advised against it with our timeline. Do you concur?
We would love to see the Dolomites, but not sure if it will take too much time. We can always plan for that another time.
Any tips, tricks, advice you can lend would be greatly appreciated! The only thing we have confirmed as of now is our flight. I know that we need to get our reservations booked soon. That is why I am asking for help! Should have done this sooner ☹
Ideally we would love to find places to stay under $100/night…preferably much lower!
Thank you in advance for all your advice! Cannot wait to get there!