Please sign in to post. broken? Can't find price from Venice to Firenze

I was hoping it would fix itself but it's been over a week. I can't use to compute a city to city price from Venice to Firenze on July 18, 2009. It keeps saying:

We are experiencing technical difficulties processing your request. Please try again later

Can anyone else try, please? I've tried it both in Internet Explorer and FireFox browsers.

Pete & Robyn, Italy Mid-July

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10344 posts

I assume you have already tried Trenitalia, if not here it is

It's possible (just speculation) that the site problems are related to the Trenitalia change in schedules that occurred in the last few days?

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6898 posts

The fare is 35.20Euro on the high-speed Eurostar. It's 21.50Euro on the slower-speed Inter-City train. CLICK HERE to see what I see.