Our Italian host let us use his washer and I noticed the cycle takes 2 hours. He says it’s a washing machine only and does not dry. Does anyone know if their washer machines if the clothes are almost dry when they come out ? I have long pants I need to wear in a church Tommorow but we are leaving today and won’t be in til 23:00 tonight and get up and leave at 06:00 Tommorow
It will depend on how fast the spin is. If 1200 rpm or faster it will be relatively more dry.
They will expect you to hang the clothing on the line.
It sounds like you are out of luck unless you want to wait for the wash cycle to finish.
You just posted and I assume you haven't started the washer yet. You'll have to hang around until a late lunch time.
Or wear the trousers as they are.
By the way - 2 hours is fairly fast - is that the quick cycle?
The way I’m reading this is, you won’t be in until 23:00 then you need to wash your pants, which will take two hours. That takes you until 01:00, then you have to be out and dressed wearing those same pants at 06:00.
Unless there’s a warm breeze overnight and the pants are a quick drying fabric - no they won’t be dry at 06:00.
No way they'll be dry by tomorrow morning!
Chances are your Italian host sets the washer to only wash 45 minutes or so. There's no reason to go a full 2:00 hours.
When we were in Barcelona last week washing clothes at our rented apartment, I pulled up the Electrolux owners manual in English to figure out how to maneuver the controls--and shorten the cycles.
We have used washing machines in Europe for over 20 years. Some take four hours. We throw a load in when we go to bed and hang it to dry in the morning, throw in another load as we leave for the day. I have only ever had a dryer once in a Paris apt owned by Americans. The clothes do not come out almost dry. This is the case in Europe wherever we have rented an apartment or house, not just in Italy.
Can you find a wash, dry, fold service to take care of your pants?
Try to ask your host if they have a clothes iron. Then you can wash your pants on a short ("refresh") cycle, iron them, and hang them to dry.
But I can't help wondering if it wouldn't be easier to pack the pants and wear another pair on the plane
I don't know about this specific machine, but others in Europe have a "short cycle" setting that makes the wash only about 20-30 minutes.
As Nigel says, how dry the clothes are at the end of the wash cycle varies with the machine. They are never dryer than they are from a US washing machine, so no, they won't be dry by 6 AM.
Euro washing machines have a very high efficiency which include a lot of dwell time to remove/dissolve dirt. They do spin to remove water. Host may mean they don't have a dryer that uses electrical or gas heat to fully dry the clothing.
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,,,, and it's history. :O)
We hang or drape our clothes the best we can when we take them out of the washer. Usually they’re dry in a day or less.
Chances are your Italian host sets the washer to only wash 45 minutes or so. There's no reason to go a full 2:00 hours.
Yeah, sometimes there is..........front-load washers do take longer, for a reason. They're also more energy efficient, more water efficient, gentler on your clothes, and clean better. I've had front-loaders for 20 years, and I usually put in a load before bed, and a load before I go out. A hot water load takes just over 2 hours, but a cold water load still takes about 1.5 hours. A short cycle of 45 minutes would do a quick refresh, but it won't get out real dirt or stains.
To the OP: given that it's a very quick turn around (7 hours) and you have to sleep for part of that, you're probably out of luck. You could rinse them and then use a hair dryer or iron to help quick dry them. Maybe.
The question was asked mid-June 2019.
The wash cycle will be completed by now, I imagine.
Yes, the wash cycle is probably finished ... but are the clothes dry ??
But I’m sure many people are thinking about doing laundry today.