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Italian Republic Celebration

My husband and I would like to attend the Italian Republic Day celebration in Rome, "Festa della Repubblica" but while doing research, I found many websites that said it was celebrated on June 2nd, while other websites said it was celebrated on the 1st Sunday of June. Does anyone know what day it will actually be held? Thank you!

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323 posts

Ric Steves' book says June 2nd. It is also feast of Ascension witch makes Ascension Thursday not a Sunday.

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2207 posts

There is a build up to the Festa della Repubblica with some events beforehand, but the parade, the fly-over, the speeches, etc. are on June 2nd. The city is on holiday schedule and many streets - especially those by the Colosseo - are blocked off. Bus traffic in this area is suspended so perhaps plan on riding the metro if you're headed to the Colosseo area. It can be VERY crowded so if you want a view, get there early!

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3580 posts

In 2001 I was on a RS tour that ended in Rome. On the Saturday before June 1, I took the Metro to the Circus Maximus exit and happened upon a parade in progress. It must have been the Republic Day parade; it was colorful, with horses, marchers, bands, a roving small dog, and a troup of nurse-nuns. I loved it. Traffic was gummed up all over the city.

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34 posts

Thank you so much for the information!! Would you by any chance know what time festivities begin? I was speaking with someone who visited Rome a few years ago and they thought the parades etc. start in the early morning; just not sure how early. We would hate to miss any of it, especially the fly overs! Looking for any information you may have. Thank you!