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Italian Regional trains - how long tix valid

I remember that Italian Regional train tickets are valid for a certain amount of time after being stamped but don't remember how long. My goal is to get on a train in Bologna to (via a connection) Cremona and get off for an hour or two in Parma on the way. Can I do that or do I need a new ticket for each segment? I have a sneaking memory of hearing that the times had been tightened up???

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11613 posts

Nigel, the regionale ticket is valid for a relatively long time after you purchase it, but once it is validated the time in whoch it remains valid toghtens up to a matter of hours rather than days/weeks. If there's been a change to this since last August, Ron in Rome would know.

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6898 posts

The Regionale ticket used to be good for 60 days until you stamped it. Once stamped, it was good for 6 hours which was a bit beyond the maximum time for any Regionale train run. Under these conditions, you could hop off/hop on along the way as long as 1) your next train was also a Regionale train and 2) it was going to the same place as shown on your ticket. I see now that when you buy tickets for a trip that has a train change to or from a high-speed to a Regionale, you have 4 hours to board the Regionale train. Also, the Regionale ticket is pre-validated. I'm not sure how this circumstance may have changed my description in the first paragraph above.

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3112 posts

The General Conditions of Transport currently posted on the TrenItalia website say that a validated ticket is good for 6 hours on trips up to 200km and for 24 hours on trips over 200km.

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34503 posts

Thanks all three of you. That's exactly what I needed.

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1 posts

For Florence to Pisa, what is the valid period/hours? Understand from some traveller blogs, can buy a regional ticket for this destination and used it for both return journey? How to do so? How many time need to validate the ticket?