There is no way I could begin to make judgment on any country's decision no matter how good the data is. The data would have to go miles beyond simple COVID numbers.
Three months ago the Italian Tourism Minister and the Prime Minister were probably in complete agreement. Now they disagree, that's a good sign for wannabe tourists that things are being considered. When they both agree, maybe it opens.
But those above are correct, there is the EU issue and the Schengen issue. That probably had something to do with the Balkan states, Iceland, Georgia, Ukraine, etc. opening up to US Citizens. No Schengen to deal with. Greece too, as they don't have a land border with another Schengen country. Italy, not so clean. But remember Hungary closed their Schengen border, then opened to non-Schengen then closed it again. So there are exceptions. Not always good, but .....
To be honest, I don't know of any European country that is "open" that is not open to US Citizens (maybe Bulgaria?), so the phased opening may or may not be much of a reality.
Then you have vaccination rates. With Hungary going outside the EU for vaccine and making good progress with vaccinations, and with the EU possibly accepting the Russian vaccine (Bavaria has pre-ordered), and the UK coming very close to heard immunity more tough decisions will have to be made.
Oh, and even if they are "open" to tourists, will you enjoy what is going on in the country?
Not till 2022? If that proves to be true, your location of choice may not have much to open for you.
It's a massive cluster-you-know-what and all we can do is sit back and watch .... or play your best hunch. My best hunch is pretty optimistic.