We are headed to Italy in 10 days and I know very little of the language, yet would like to try using it to the extent that I can. Have any of you tried and found any of the smartphone software or apps to be particularly useful and user friendly (or not)? If so, I would appreciate your recommendations of ones to either use or even which you tried and which were not very helpful/user friendly.
Just get a phrasebook. Rick Steves' is pretty good.
Need a wi-fi connection to use it but itranslate is fantastic!
Their app is not the greatest, but it works -- http://www.wordreference.com (that's the web site, but they have an iOs and an Android app) I find that web site to be most useful when it comes to finding out the proper usage of words.
I got jibiggo, Spanish, for a recent trip to Spain. It was okay. It worked well for typing in a phrase and getting a translation. It also reads the translation out loud. Voice recognition didn't work at all for me - I had to type it in to get any results.
I love the Ultralingua apps (I use them on my iPhone). I have the Italian-English, French-English, and Latin-English ones and they are great. They are just dictionaries, so they won't do any actual translation for you, however. You can type in the word you are looking for in either language and it will give you the meanings. It will also give you verb conjugations (French and Italian versions only). - Jim
Hi, I have used the Worldictionary app while travelling because it defines the translation of any word from one language to another language instantly. It recognizes and translates the word in multiple languages. It is very easy to use and it allows me to save my search records which has been done through its Google, WikiPedia, and YouTube advanced search function. You can try this one and enjoy!!!