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Italian Language Schools in No. Italy

Looking for a good recommendation for a language school for approx 4-6 weeks in Northern Italy. I know Italy fairly well so I have no particular preference to city I think that Firenze will be more expensive just because it's Firenze.

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752 posts

Find a school that will meet your language needs. Are you only literate in Italian, are you proficient only in grammar, reading and writing, but can't converse well? A typical and common disconnect for US Americans.

Then find a school that accommodates highly literate students who can read and write Italian well, but need instruction in conversation. Otherwise you will end up going over grammar you already know for 2 hours, and then watching students from other countries dominate the class in conversation for the other 2 hours, day after day.

The experience can be humiliating and a waste of time and money. So talk to each school and ask how they will give you the instruction you need where you need it. Then you will know where to go.

Contact the Italian Cultural Institute in your area for scholarships. They may however, choose the school for you.

It is still up to you to design a course that will meet your needs. Otherwise you may end up wasting ICI money and your time.

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I do not disagree with the previous comment, but in case your language skills are not top notch and you do need some grammar, pick an town you might find interesting. Most schools are accredited and all will speak Italian better than you. My wife and I have used that approach for many years. Although we have been studying regularly, though not intensively for nearly 20 years, we have never been displeased with any school choice. We have studied in Todi, Feltre, Arezzo and Udine. Some visits have been in the winter when we were the only ones in class. Others have been in the summer where we had the opportunity to meet many other interesting travelers.