The word for "Miss" has dropped out of use in Germany (Man sagt Fraülein nicht mehr) and France (no more Mademoiselle). Is the same true in Italy? In other words, do I, as an "older woman", greet a woman in her 20's as Signora or Signorina?
20ish y.o.? Signorina.
Unless you know she's married.
I am thinking of someone around 25-30, someone I might encounter in a shop or at the hotel reception desk; not a student. Same answer?
I haven't heard signorina being used in a long time. Signora is what is being used during my three-month stays in Venice in the last few years. I hear that signorina is reserved for the very young.
In Italian "Signorina" is still used (technically it should be used for single women, even if 90 years old). I heard that years ago a law was passed (sponsored by two female parliament members) to abolish the term "Signorina" (basically anyone over 18 s/b a "signora") primarily in Government forms and other stuff like that. I don't know about that law, but like most laws, Italians don't give a damn about laws, so nothing has changed and people call women whatever they feel. Especially because, in spite of the law, women like being called 'Signorina'. I can tell you that if you ask 100 Italian women under 30 if they prefer "Signora" or "Signorina", 90% will tell you that they prefer to be called "Signorina". Actually even Italian women over 30 wish more people would call them Signorina, because Signora makes them feel old. There is no way I'm going to call a 25 y.o. "Signora". She could easily be my daughter. If a 25 y.o. wants to be called "signora" by me she has to show up with a baby of her own or at least she has to be visibly pregnant, I don't care how many laws they pass.
I like to joke and play flirt with the older Italian women sometimes and one of my favorite jokes is to call older women 'signorina' because it flatters them and makes them blush and laugh, sort of like in the US when you use the "...and this must be your sister" line.
I hope Lola doesn't mind me intruding on her question, but I was wondering why "Buon Pomeriggio" isn't used more often in Italy? I've seen some places where it's used, but most often the greeting goes directly from "Buon Giorno" to "Buona Sera".
I don't know why pomeriggio isn't used much (except for TV announcers and hosts). It must be because 'sera' is so much shorter and easier.
Funny, like Roberto was mentioning for Italy, apparently here in France they're either getting ready to or already have passed a law eliminating Mademoiselle in much the same way. I work with a distinguished un married 50ish 60ish lady who insists that she is Mademoiselle. . . I don't think this law will have any effect on her either!
@Roberto, Thanks for the info. Now if I can only figure out the "ideal" time to make the change from Buon Giorno to Buona Sera (is 16:00 a good time?).
Buongiorno to Buon pomeriggio - any time after lunch. It can be said as early as 1pm if you know the person has already eaten however it is usually around 3pm when some shops start to reopen that it is first said in Tuscany.
Re Signorina- careful how you say it. There is a risk of sounding condescending. Paradoxically, when said to a 20yr old woman it may seem that you are 'putting them in their place' although a 30 yr old is more likely to feel quite flattered. Oh, if only every language was as simple as English!
@Ken: Before Noon: buon giorno.
After noon: varies from person to person and from place to place. In Florence it is buona sera after noon. In the north they tend to start buona sera later. Technically it should be buon pomeriggio from noon to 17. But Italians are too lazy I guess to say that long word.
@ Kim and Lola , What is the correct word to replace Mademoiselle ?
What is the correct word to replace Mademoiselle Madame
@ Nigel , Many thanks !
You can use "Salve" as a greeting and you don't have to worry about the transition from Buongiorno to Buona sera. Pronounced "SAHL-vay". Unlike "Ciao", it's not informal.