Whos the best to us in April/May?
Naples --> Sardinia (AHO), AHO to PMO (Palermo), Palermo to NAP
Whos the best to us in April/May?
Naples --> Sardinia (AHO), AHO to PMO (Palermo), Palermo to NAP
Go to skyscanner.com or momondo.com and plug in your dates and destinations to see which flights suit your plans.
Below are the existing DIRECT NON-STOP flights connecting your desired destinations. Be aware that many flights from/to Sardinia are seasonal (summer only), therefore they may not be available on your travel dates in May. The most likely scenario for your time of travel is a flight with a stop in a hub, such as Rome. From Naples, you might also consider taking a train to Rome, and catching a non stop flight from Rome, which will definitely have more options also outside the summer months. PMO to NAP should have direct non stop flights also off season.
From NAP to Sardinia (AHO, OLB, CAG):
to AHO: none
to OLB: Volotea, Meridiana
to CAG: none
From Sardinia (AHO, OLB, CAG) to PMO:
from AHO: none
from OLB: Volotea
from CAG: none
From PMO to NAP:
Alitalia, Volotea
Just one experience, but everything about my Volotea flight from Palermo to Naples in May 2014 was excellent -- advance booking, price, service, schedule and the flight itself. I was aware from the start that I could not carry all my baggage onto the flight, given Volotea's look allowed carry-on weight, so I signed up for one checked bag when booking the flight, for a modest charge. That would have been more expensive later on.
For the Palermo to Naples route, one advantage of using Alitalia is that they have more generous allowances for both carry-on and checked bags than the budget airlines. So, they may actually be cheaper in the end.
For domestic Italian flights on Alitalia, look at their "International" as well as their US website. The International one often shows better prices, and has an English option (the Italian website is in Italian only).
That was some good advice! I saved 50% on my flights just using the INternational option. Also, after researching..Aitalia is the better deal. Those other "Budget" airlines have limited flights and pretty much charge you for luggage so it ends up being the same or more. I'll stick with Aitalia because I use Airfrance so i'll stack miles.
Morvegil: Glad to be of help.