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Italian Barbers

My husband will need a haircut while we are on vacation in Italy. Is tipping barbers customary as it is in the States? If so how much…15%, round up, etc

Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a barber in Florence?

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209 posts

The round-up seems to be typical from the few people I've asked. Just like in restaurants, etc.

I don't know of any specific barbers in Florence. I would imagine that almost any shop you walk in to will be charming and a nice experience. But I just wanted to recommend that you learn a few helpful words which relate to haircuts!

I usually take a picture and also talk while I point, for example "corti a dietro" which roughly means, "short in back" etc. (you know, so I don't accidentally wind up with a mullet! hee!)

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8293 posts

If a guy who works in your Florence hotel, or a waiter in a restaurant you are dining at, has a nice haircut, well, ask him for the name and address of his barber. Makes more sense than asking us for recommendations.

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466 posts

Just curious, why would your husband need a haircut while on vacation? Wouldn't he cut it before he goes?

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41 posts


It’s kind of two-fold really...his regular barber has been on vacation for the past couple of weeks and he thinks it would be a fun cultural experience.

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7737 posts

I seem to recall RS suggesting you get a haircut when in a different country, just for the experience and for the story you'll be able to tell.

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47 posts

I'm planning on getting my haircut in Italy as well. It should make for a great story. And hopefully a good haircuit. Haha.

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90 posts

I agree with your husband and Rick. Getting a haircut when visiting a new culture is a good way to experience some 'local color'. I make it a point to wait to get my hair cut until I arrive in Italy. I have gone to the same barber in a small town south of Rome several times over the past few years. He remembers me and now greets me like a long-lost American relative!

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586 posts

Just got a haircut in Monterosso al Mare a few weeks back, at Mimmo's, the only shop in town. I walked in, and had rehearsed a bit of Italian, and instructed him, "Basso, per favore" (Short, please). He looked at my head for about 10 seconds, rather carefully, with some concentration, before pronouncing, "No!" while gesturing me into the chair. Seems that Mimmo didn't think the short cut was right for me. (; And lacking enough Italian to debate, I took a seat and let him go. Good cut, about 17 Euros (the posted price), with a Euro tip from me...done Mimmo's way, not mine. Clearly, I was the only non-local in the joint.

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881 posts

Laura - it's a totally fun cultural experience! :) I've had my hair cut in Slovenia, the Netherlands and England. I particularly loved the square, old-school-soviet buzz cut I got in Slovenia. Great experiences, and great memories! :)

No idea on Italy, but just wanted to share my positive experiences. :)

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135 posts

a couple of years back, i got a good haircut in firenze- the shop was about 1 block north of the arno, about 2-3 blocks west of the mercato- saw the sign on the side of the building- inside, the barbiere "buzzed me" (which i wanted", was 10 euros.

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102 posts

Laura, what a cool idea. Your husband is a brave man or he speaks good Italian. My understanding is that it's customary to have a strait razor shave too. Enjoy and don't forget to post and tell us about his experience.

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23753 posts

We are going to be gone about 33 days this Fall so no matter how I plan it I will need a haircut somewhere along the way. I am hoping I stumble across a shop during my week of need.