We are in Italy and train traveling on five days. Looks like I can save a little $ with an Italiapass. Can I get a EurailPass on line for five trips, 2-5 travelers? It says I cannot purchase while in Europe. Any help appreciated.
Train tickets are quite cheap in Italy, so rail passes rarely makes sense. Have a look at http://seat61.com/Railpass-and-Eurail-pass-guide.htm#.Vzojc-So3Vs for all things about trains.
It's true that the Eurail Italy Pass is sold here before you go, not in Europe. If your longest trip is something like Rome-Florence for $50, a pass is not likely to save money, but it could if you had longer legs in one day, like Rome-Venice for $100 full fare.
"Italiapass" is something completely different, and not often discussed here, so I doubt that it's secretly a great deal.
The other way to save is to book reserved Economy or Super Economy tickets up to 3 months ahead at www.trenitalia.com for faster trains, no discount card needed.
Rail passes are rarely a cost effective way for travel in Italy since tickets are relatively cheap, especially advance purchase Super Economy tickets. Keep in mind that Rail passes do not include the seat reservation fees, which are compulsory on the fast trains. You'd have to pay separately for those. Even with a Rail pass, if you're caught without valid reservations for the train you're riding on, you'll likely face hefty fines which will be collected on the spot!
My recent experience: On three of four train segments in the past two days, conductors checked tickets and collected fines. If you forget to validate, go to the forward car and find the conductor as soon as you board.