I'm curious about this "discount" card. When I visit the site there is only a suggestion of what discounts can be obtained. To view a list you must purchase a membership - currently discounted from $99USD to $49USD. This sends my something's fishy antenna into vibrations. I've tried to find reviews from folks who have purchased, but only see a smattering of results that relate more to train travel (due to the fact that this is an offshoot of ItaliaRail). I'm more interested in their other claims of discounted attractions/hotels/tours/dining.
Anyone here ever purchase said card, or know of anyone who has purchased, or have any reviews about this card? Any advice given will be very much appreciated.
Have not heard of it. There are some good value city-cards, but it's all in the math of how much you will actually use any discount cards.
This question has been asked here before, and I think received no answers of the type you're looking for. The consensus has been to decline that offer from ItaliaRail. I would not pay for something with so little explanation.
Thank you for your replies. My plan was to do the math, but without be able to view the benefits of the membership (amt of discounts, etc) the accuracy is not there.
I think as is suggested that I pay attention to my skepticism and forego a membership into something smelling of day old fish.