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Ischia or Positano

Wondering if anyone could recommend either Positano or Ishcia Isle to finish out a 3 week family trip in Europe (mom, dad & 2 well traveled teens). Will have been from Amsterdam south to Rome, ending with some relaxing beach time. Would like reasonable (that doesn't mean cheap - just not real expensive) location with pretty beach, pretty senery and a few other things to do. First thought Positano but then started looking into Ischia for beautiful beaches apparently and the castle looked like an interesting side thing to see. Thanks for any input!

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32325 posts

Amy, Positano is a beautiful town, albeit one with lots of hills to climb. It's a good home base for exploring nearby places such as Capri, Amalfi or possibly Ravello. I haven't been to Ischia yet, but on a flight last week, I was seated beside a young lady that works as a stewardess on a private yacht. She spent some time docked at Ischia recently, and "raved" about the island. After hearing her comments, I'll definitely be adding it to my list of "places to see". Happy travels!

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2 posts

Thanks for this input! If I go before you do I'll let you know how it was!!

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3551 posts

I can vouch for Positano for sure however it can be pricey. I hope to visit Ischia someday also..