We are in Rome, already have transportation for the week. Would anyone recommend buying the Roma card just for the Museum admissions?
Are there other benefits we should be aware of that should be considered? Thanks!
Do you mean the romapass? If so, you would need to do the math to see if the pass will save you money. You'll get into the first two sites visited with the pass for free and receive reduced admission prices to all other sites seen with the pass. For the free admissions you'll be able to bypass the lines which can save a lot of time. You also get discounts on tours, music, theme parks and tourist services. The best way to know if the pass is right for you is to go to the site and figure out what you'll see and do in the three days the pass is valid. If you save money or break even then you may want to get the pass, if not, I wouldn't bother. Donna
The excellent Ron in Rome answers the question: Should I buy a Romapass?. Short version: It used to be a better deal than it is now that they've raised the price. Check it out.
Now that the prices for the metro and other transport has been raised I think the romapass is still worth it. I say this because when I get the pass I make the most use of it that I can by seeing a lot of the sites covered by the pass and using public transit. Everyone will need to do the math to see if the pass will work out for them. If only seeing one or two sites and not using public transit then the pass won't be a benefit for them. Donna
Thanks all. We are now running the numbers.
Thanks again Happy travels.