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ipod question

I've read about rick's podcasts and they sound like a great idea - but I don't have an ipod. I am considering buying an ipod - there are several versions with different features. I want to download RS podcasts and well as several others I see when I googled podcasts Italy. I want to buy an ipod that can hold all these podcasts and some music. How do I know what kind of ipod to buy?
I'm a 59yo nurse with limited tech skills.

Posted by
1893 posts

Right now you have the Itouch or the Nano or the Shuffle. There is rumor that a newer ipod will be released soon. Not sure when you plan to travel.

The Nano is less expensive than the iTouch, but the iTouch has a much larger screen and you can surf the web if you wish. The Shuffle will not work for your purposes.

Either one (iTouch, Nano) is very easy to use. you must have an Apple store in your area. I really recommend that you go to the store and let the experts show you how each one works, and have them help you select the one that will serve you the best.

There is so much available on iTunes, not just travel. The ipod is a must for travel overseas, long plane rides, and for sleeping when it's noisy!

Posted by
209 posts

Kathy, some of the Rick Steve's podcasts are video podcasts, so to carry them around with you, you'd need an iPod capable of playing video-- the Classic or the Touch, the newer Nano, or an older video iPod would do just fine.

However, you can download and watch/listen the podcasts for free in iTunes on your computer without an iPod at all! (It is not clear from your original post if you already knew that, sorry if you already knew!)

Posted by
32303 posts


I provided a reply in your other post.

Posted by
23 posts

Thanks for replies to all who responded to my double post (I'm not sure how I managed to post it twice)

I am considering all advice - and I've listened online to the podcasts. I'm going shopping asap to check out the different ipods to see what will work that fits my budget. I'd love the ipod touch but need to see if its worth taking out of my travel budget.

To all: your help is very much appreciated!